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I just switched our plan to the "New Verizon Plan" (XL) as of 2-3 days ago. I wanted to give it 24-48+ hrs in case there was any delay. And I do realize the change will not fully take effect until our next billing cycle. (We won't see our bonus data until that time - the 2GB/ DPP line)
I had restarted my device (iPhone 6s plus 64gb) a couple times and uninstalled and reinstalled the "my verizon" app. In doing this it forced the most recent version of the app and also caused a fresh login. I was eventually able to see the "safety mode" toggle in the "Data Hub" of the app (at the bottom).
My problem is the other 4 devices on our plan. None of them can see the toggle. Do we just need to wait until next billing cycle? Why was I able to get it to work but they cant. The people with android devices can't even delete the my verizon app entirely. Only force quit and delete any cached data in an attempt to "reset" the app. Any insight on this would be helpful. I didn't see anybody else posting of not having the toggle switch.
I also saw where people are saying the toggle slows you to 3g (like when you turn it on, you move to 3g right away). I am 99% sure that when you turn it on you continue to use your 4g lte like normal, only now when you hit the limit on your data it will automatically switch to the lesser speed. You don't have to go in and turn on the toggle right near the end of your data. You just turn it on and leave it. (Please clarify)
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The safety mode switch is available under the account owner login. The safety mode is effective on the account level not per line.
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So if I enabled the safety mode protection (as one of three account owners) then we are all set? I was told in person (and some misinformation online) that each device had to turn on safety mode separately. I assume that was part of the catch that made it a bit more difficult to get setup initially.
I have checked on another one of the account owners' phones and one non-acct owner and neither can see the toggle. I don't think I'm exclusive vs. the other account owner. (The 3rd account owner has a basic flip phone and I believe she is the primary account owner if such thing exists.)
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dangerdave wrote:
So if I enabled the safety mode protection (as one of three account owners)
There is only ONE account owner. The others may be account managers, but only ONE person is financially liable for the entire account. The other 2 "account owners" could leave the ACTUAL "account owner" high and dry and would have no financial ramifications. There is only ONE person liable for the account. The others may have agreed with the actual account owner to do so, but that means nothing to Verizon, only the name on the account is the actual "owner".
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I'm going to have to politely disagree with this. I am not the primary account owner. I was added as one of the extra account managers (official title - I looked it up) as you can have a total of 3. So as an account manager I was able to enable the safety mode toggle on my iphone. The "My Verizon" app is un-installable on iphones. I don't think android people (like my wife's Galaxy s6) can actually delete that app. She's the other account manager.
The actual account owner has a basic flip phone and I don't even know if she can install an app like my verizon on that phone (and toggle anything).
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dangerdave wrote:
I'm going to have to politely disagree with this. I am not the primary account owner. I was added as one of the extra account managers (official title - I looked it up) as you can have a total of 3.
You can disagree all you want. An "account manager" is NOT an "account owner", primary or secondary. If an "account manager" chooses not to pay the bill, nothing will happen to them. Verizon will put the account into collections and try to get the money from the "account owner", not the "account manager". If an "account owner" chooses not to pay the bill, Verizon will put the account into collections and try to get the money from the "account owner", NOT the "account manager". The "account owner" is financially responsible for the account, not the "account manager(s)". An "account owner" has to pass a credit check to be an "account owner". An "account manager" does not. An "account manager" is simply a name the "account owner" puts down as someone who can make "limited" changes to the account. I can name my dog as an "account manager". That does not make him a "non-primary account owner".
Someone appointed as "account manager" can lose that distinction at any time the "account owner" chooses to do so. The same power is not available to an "account manager" over the "account owner".
This distinction is not all that important as long as everyone on your account agrees and is happy with each other. IF you have a falling out with any of the "account managers", though, they can simply choose not to pay the bill and the "account owner" will STILL be responsible for that payment. Verizon will not go after any "account manager" who simply chooses to leave the group without paying an amount which is due, Verizon will go after the "account owner".
You should always keep these facts in mind before ever agreeing to be an "account owner". "Account managers" do not have the same liability.
Your point that "account managers" have the ability to toggle the Safety Mode on/off has been noted, though.
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rcschnoor, thank you for helping us support our customers. Click http://vz.to/2bWAs6t for a better understanding of the account roles on your wireless account.
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It is quite possible for the account owner to be using a phone number that isn't associated as the account owner's number in the MyVerizon account online. For example Mr John Doe is the account owner and has the number (555)555-1235. His wife has the phone number (555)555-1234. When the account was opened the (555)555-1234 number was created first as the account owner and shows as such when logging into their MyVerizon account online. The phone number has been given to the wrong person.
I know of a couple where this happened to them and it made splitting their account trickier then usual when they got divorced.
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dangerdave wrote:
(The 3rd account owner has a basic flip phone and I believe she is the primary account owner if such thing exists.)
No, such a thing does not exist. There is only ONE account owner, no primary and no secondary. It could be that the line the account owner uses is not designated as the account owner, but that can be changed by calling in to Verizon and have them change it.
If there are multiple lines on an account, I believe the first line to sign up for a MyVerizon account is automatically designated as the account owner. I guess Verizon believes the person who is financially responsible for the account would be interested enough to take control over the account by signing up for online access. Sadly, this is not always the case. Regardless, I believe you can correct this by calling in to Verizon.
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Ok. We have to go back. Since your number is designated as the account owner it will only show in your app. When you log in to www.vzw.com for the first time you are asked if you are the account owner. The online system allows only one login per account to be the account owner. So as long as you have enabled it on you app with your login then it should be fine. Safety Mode kicks in when the account's data limit is reached. This will then allow all lines to get data with no overages. The trade off is that it will be at 256kBps speeds.
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I thought the reduced data speeds would be 128 kbps. At least it was the last time I look at the FAQs for the New Verizon Plans.
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Ann154 wrote:
I thought the reduced data speeds would be 128 kbps. At least it was the last time I look at the FAQs for the New Verizon Plans.
You are correct. I had a brain freeze for a moment.
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It's important to be sure everything is set up in just the way you need it to be. Safety mode is an account level feature. If it is turned on for one line it will effect all lines on the account. There isn't currently a My Verizon app for basic phones but you could still enable or disable it under their number using our web site. Either way though if you've already enabled it then other lines on the account don't need to do anything else.
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As Ann154โ has pointed out, the ability to turn on/off Safety Mode is only available to the account owner. This is the person financially liable for the account and any charges to the account. What good would Safety Mode be if the person who is financially liable for the account turned Safety Mode on and then someone who is not financially responsible for the account turned it off because they wanted to stream a movie? Not much help at all since there would THEN be a couple of GB of data overage for the movie.
And yes, your data speed is only slowed down once you have exhausted your allowance + bonus data + carryover data even if Safety Mode is on from the beginning of the billing cycle.