Slow to no speed in afternoon
Enthusiast - Level 1

This has been brought up a few times, but I'm starting a new one so that people do not think this problem was resolved last year.

I have service that is adequate during the morning.  I can do all the things I need on my phone (FB, IG, Snap, YouTube, stream songs/podcasts, view/send photos stored on the cloud, etc.) but as soon as it's lunch time (around 11 AM and later), the signal shows 2-3 bars, but the actual speeds are very very slow.  Not even usually half a Mbps.  And that's when my Speedtest app can detect a signal.  This isn't enough to stream YouTube or even scroll facebook.  Sometimes 3 or 4 text messgages come in at the exact same minute later in the afternoon.  Something is either stealing all the bandwidth or Verizon can't support 61550.

13 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Mediumgreen, thank you so much for reaching out to us today. Being able to stay connected to social media and view videos should be a simple task. I was able to check the general area with the zip code that you've provided. I was not able to see any reported outages or issues in this area. When do the data speeds seem to get back to normal (besides the morning)? Are you having trouble indoors and outdoors? Please provide me with more details. KevinR_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have the same problem. I switched recently to Verizon and work in Lakeland, Florida and noticed that between 12 and 2 the data slows down tremendously to the point where I can't even load web pages without waiting a while. I can't watch YouTube or check Facebook either and YouTube will constantly stop or buffer, which is annoying.  The bars are the same too, like 3 or 4 bars, but just really slow service. I like to listen to YouTube videos throughout the day and can't do that at lunch time, which is frustrating. I think I'll switch back to Metro once my contract ends.

Customer Service Rep



I can understand how important your speed is to you. We want to gather a few clues first. Does this happen the same time and place everyday? Are we indoors or outdoors? Do you have access to Wi-Fi at this location?




I have the same problem,  to the point where we aren't renewing our contract next month. Ours was fine for about a year then about 8 months ago it started getting so bad it's only useable in the middle of the night. I've called numerous times and was given many excuses with no fix. The last time the tech told me a mountain must of grown up (overnight) to block the signal 🤦🏻‍♀️ I've given up hope on Verizon


I have the exact same problem.  Everything was fine for over a year and the past few months  it started and around lunchtime my speeds become completely slow and impossible to work.  I have received no help from Verizon when I call in. 

Customer Service Rep

Hearing that you are having issue with your data speeds concerns us  We never want any of our customers to have to endure this.  Please allow us the opportunity to look into this to seek a resolution.  Can you please send us a Private Message? *Lisa


on 5Gon 5Gon Spectrumon Spectrum

I'm in Temple Texas, on wireless 5g. I live between Scott and White and the VA Hospital. This test was when I was inside, when I went outside the Download went up to 7mbps and not much higher than the upload shown. I am 100% sure I'm not on wifi when I do these tests and you can see that from the screenshots. I was curious as to what could be done in regards to lower speeds. I also wonder what is causing this?

Customer Service Rep


Thanks for the visuals and sorry to hear you are having trouble at a specific time of day. That's a very observant detail. How long has this been a concern? Are there any other Verizon Wireless customers you know of with similar concerns nearby?



Apparently people in my area with Verizon are having the same issue. But it could be how many people are using the network bogging it down. I've had slow speeds ever since I got my phone. It could be that covid has everyone on their cell phones network. Would have to see I guess. What the speeds I should be achieving with 5g?


Customer Service Rep

Dabigin, thanks for the replies. We do understand the need for speed. The typical Data Speeds for 5G Nationwide is 2-5 Mbps upload and 5 to 12 Mbps download   -Kevin


I've asked around on Facebook and people on verizon are all having problems, from slow to no internet in the Temple/Waco area. People have been having problems since 2019 one said. Will this matter be taken care of? Should I call support and tell them so they can issue a service ticket for the area? Let me know what I should do to get the ball rolling. I even had someone from AT&T try to sell me AT&T service.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I hope this shows up as a separate post. And I haven’t posted to the community platform before

I hope this shows up as a separate post. And I haven’t posted to the community platform before

I recently switched from T-Mobile to Verizon because of slow data speeds but I’m wondering now if I made the right choice? I wish I had read these posts before I switched.

It seems a lot of these problems are in Texas? I am in Corpus Christi. I used to have Samsung S7 with Tmobil. Now I have a much getter phone ( iPhone 12 ) with Verizon but the data speeds on my new phone aren’t any faster and seems to be slower at times. I’m thinking maybe I should have just gotten a new phone and stayed with T-Mobile?

I am now in Boerne Texas and it’s February 2022 and I’m having the same problems with being able to get a signal in the morning but it stops around 11 or 12.  I’m surprised to read that this problem has been going on since 2019 and is still an issue.  

I contacted Verizon customer service and was surprised to find out that are levels of plans that give you better access to the , obviously limited, high speed service.  Apparently if I wanted to pay more I could have a priority plan where I get better access to the high-speed service.  It seems that that if I’m using the service and other people with “ higher priority”  and more expensive plans start to use the service I don’t have access to the same speed anymore and get bumped down to a slower speed. I’ll bet many of you on Verizon don’t know that and haven’t been told that by customer service ( but it would certainly explain the slow speeds in the afternoon when probably more people are using the service wouldn’t it??  ). I only found this out because I had heard a rumor this happens and specifically asked about it.   Unfortunately this was after I had already gotten Lured into Verizon with a “free phone over 24 -30 months” promotion.  

if a Verizon Rep sees this post I hope they specifically clear up  one big question

-  It is my understanding m, after talking to Verizon, that even though I have a 5G compatible phone I will never be able to 5G service .  Thank his is because I don’t have the “ Priority plan”. 

I don’t believe T-Mobile does this and Verizon certainly doesn’t make that clear when you sign up.  Overall T-Mobile is usually a cheaper service. The reason I switched to Verizon is because my friends had it and they had great high-speed service and great coverage. But I realize now they are likely paying for a priority plan.

Maybe if enough people on Verizon find out about this and decide to leave, now or when their promotions are up , Verizon will stop this “Priority “ practice and fix the slow speeds in the afternoon problem. 

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for such detailed information. We thank you for choosing Verizon as your service provider and we certainly want you to regret making that decision.


As a valued customer, your account's service concerns are our concerns too. We see you have several questions. Let's work together to address and resolve your concerns, starting with your reference about experiencing service issues in Corpus Christi, Texas, which has multiple zip codes.


Are you experiencing service issue while indoors, outdoors, or both? How long has this been happening?  Have there been any recent changes with your Device(s)? (e.g., software update, new apps downloaded, recent SIM Card change, etc.)


Please reboot your phone while we're troubleshooting together. Thanks!-Robert C.
