Switched to unlimited plan, now it is slow.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I just switched to the Verizon unlimited plan a few days ago (when our cable internet went out and I was afraid we'd need to use more than we had this month on our phones) and there is a major difference in speed since the change (SLOW!). My husband used to video chat with me every lunch without any problems, and we had no issue streaming video or using hotspots on the rare occasion it was necessary. However, over the last few days, we've seen a drastic reduction in our speed. Our video calls are terrible, and the hotspot speeds cannot handle even two devices connected at the same time. Streaming video or playing games on two tablets at once is impossible. Nothing else has changed but our plan, and we've only used a total of 10.74GB this month so far, so nowhere near the point where we get put below others on the data priority ladder. And now, the XL data plan that we used to be on isn't available anymore, and we are stuck on unlimited unless we want to pay for overages. I'm pretty disappointed. Why is the speed so much different???


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16 Replies
Champion - Level 3

Did you switch to GoUnlimited or BeyondUnlimited?

Enthusiast - Level 2

We have go unlimited, but why should the speed be any different than the XL data plan we had before? Speed should not get slower when we pay more to purchase more data. I would have just stayed with the XL data if I had known all our data would be slower all the time. I'm fine with it being a little slower after we reach like 20GB (which I thought was the cap), but not ALL the time.

Community Leader
Community Leader

There is a difference between the two plans and the previous plan you had before.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Go Unlimited limits data speed when tethering and devices are subject to throttling at any time for any reason.

Beyond Unlimited acts like the former Unlimited plan with soft caps before throttling kicks in.

Champion - Level 3

With GoUnlimited you can be slowed when you're on a congested tower regardless of how much data you've used. You get unlimited hotspot at 600kBps

With BeyondUnlimited you can use 22GB of high speed data per smartphone before you're slowed in a congested tower. You get 15GB of hotspot before you're slowed. Hotspot slowing is NOT dependent on whether you are on a congested tower or not. Once you reach 15GB of usage that is it and you get slowed speeds.

It is really all right there on the page when you look at the plans. Screen Shot 2017-09-14 at 8.27.18 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-09-14 at 8.29.48 PM.png

Enthusiast - Level 2

There is a huge difference in speed, not a negligible one. I guess I'm the fool for assuming that my data speeds on the old XL plan (that they apparently no longer offer) and my data speed on the unlimited plan would be similar. I did not expect the difference, even when pushed lower in priority. I cannot even video chat with my husband on his lunch break. It's ridiculous.

Community Leader
Community Leader

The XL plan might still be available by calling customer service at 1-800-922-0204 from a landline or *611 from your phone and requesting it. The XL plan is definitely not available online anymore.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Champion - Level 3

kimmitty wrote:

There is a huge difference in speed, not a negligible one. I guess I'm the ***** for assuming that my data speeds on the old XL plan (that they apparently no longer offer) and my data speed on the unlimited plan would be similar. I did not expect the difference, even when pushed lower in priority. I cannot even video chat with my husband on his lunch break. It's ridiculous.

When you are on a tiered plan you will be prioritized over the unlimited plans. If you think about it, with Safety Mode enabled, tiered plans are unlimited. You just get slower speeds when you reach your cap. I never reach my 5GB cap so I am fine with not having unlimited. See if you can go back to the tiered plan. You won't be slowed down unless you have Safety Mode enabled. Without Safety Mode, going over your cap is $15/GB in overages. Verizon will not slow those who actually pay for what they consume.

Enthusiast - Level 2

You got scammed by Verizon's marketing strategy. The "go" or "start unlimited" was never meant to be a legitimate service for anyone who ever actually uses the internet on their phone. Even for very low data users like myself (under 2Gb per month), it is completely worthless when it comes to watching any videos no matter how low the definition is.  It is also abysmal trying to video chat or anything like that. The low tier plan is simply to get you in the door and then offer you something that will actually work after you realize how bad it is. As you can see, this is exactly what the Verison reps here are attempting to do. They won't type it here, but if you chat with them or call they will tell you point-blank that the low tier unlimited plan is not for streaming ANY videos. All the advertising that says it limits video streaming to Standard Definition NEVER says you will be able to stream videos in standard definition. It really means that in a best-case scenario you may be able to stream a very low-quality video if no one else is using their phones in your area. The vast majority of the time, you will get dial-up like congested speed and just watch your phone freeze and buffer. 

Moderator Emeritus

Due to the age of this thread, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.

Customer Service Rep

That is definitely not the experience we want you to have with your service. Are you experiencing issues indoors or outdoors? What model is your device and is the software up to date


Enthusiast - Level 1

I spent a couple weeks complaining about the slow internet. I had to same problem a couple of years ago but this this time is far worst and seems the be everywhere. Last time a good data signal was -70db and a bad signal was -100db. I

have the new iPhone 7 and I put the phone in field test mode to get the data signal and almost all the time it's over the -100db the issue seems to always be signal strength. Six or seven months ago I brought this up to the network team more than once. They responded if I get a connection no matter how slow I have service. I had to ask him to say it again to make sure I heard him correctly and he replied with the same response

So lately l have traveled a lot and I rarelay have a good data speed. They don't care any more even at their highest level of technical support. Sometimes a mile from the tower a clear shot having trouble bringing up google.com pretty sad speed. Bringing up google.com waiting for over. a


Enthusiast - Level 2

I have had the same issue I have a iphone 8 and have had non stop slow service and random dropped calls complained multiple times on multiple level bottem line is verizon doesnt care I even bout a cheap 50$ prepaid phone with them just to test my phones against each other and I had the same speed and same horrible service on both phones switching to verizon was one of the worst decision I made 

Customer Service Rep

We apologize to hear that you feel this way. We strive to provide the best service and experience at all times.You having slow data and dropped calls concerns us and we are here to turn this around. Please meet us in a Private Note for assistance. AlbertP_VZW

Customer Service Rep

I completely understand the importance of making sure you are on a plan that will best suit your needs kimmitty. We want you to have the fastest speeds available.


We can review your account and make sure you're on the plan that best suits your usage. Please reply to the Direct Message I sent you so we can access your account.


As mentioned by your fellow community members, there are some differences between the Go Unlimited and Beyond Unlimited. With the Go Unlimited when streaming videos you will have 480p resolution, as oppose to 720p with the Beyond Unlimited plan.


In regards to using the Mobile Hotspot, on the Go Unlimited plan you have unlimited mobile hotspot data at speeds up to 600kbps. With Beyond Unlimited, you have unlimited mobile hotspot (up to 15 GB per line at 4G LTE speeds; above 15 GB at speeds up to 600 Kbps). This is why you may have notice a difference with the speeds when using mobile hotspot. You can view all this info here http://vz.to/2dSoS9m.


I look forward to your Direct Message so we may further assist.



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Enthusiast - Level 1

I used to be on Verizon's original unlimited data plan that came out around 2004 and I was grandfathered in for the longest time. When this new unlimited plan came out, the agent I spoke to assured me I should switch as there would be absolutely no change in my service. I questioned her several times as it sounded all too good to be true. My service is so slow now I constantly have to connect to wifi. I used to be proud of being on Verizon for it's signal strength and now I'm the one asking people what service provider they use.. Moderators, please don't bother asking me what zip code I am in or how much data I use. Nothing has changed since I switched over to the new data plan. My usage, my location all have been the same except now my bill shows nearly double in my data usage which is impossible. Unless like someone else posted, the Verizon towers are being hacked or purposely slowed down...