Switching numbers to an older phone

I recently broke my HTC Thunderbolt which is a 4G phone with an unlimited data plan. I don't want to buy a new phone yet so I'm thinking of activating my previous phone an LG Voyager for now until I get a new one. My questions are: 1) Is this possible? 2) What happens to the current plan I'm on since the Voyager is not a 4G or 3G phone? 3) Will the plan I have now still work on the Voyager or what parts of the plan will stay and which ones will disappear?

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5 Replies
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The LG Voyager is a basic phone and not a smartphone. You will lose your unlimited data plan if you activate the basic phone on that line.

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Specialist - Level 3

Ann154 wrote:

The LG Voyager is a basic phone and not a smartphone. You will lose your unlimited data plan if you activate the basic phone on that line.

  Can't you have a basic phone in use and still keep the data plan even though the phone does not require it? Even basic phone can use the internet.

Community Leader
Community Leader

But data plans for smartphones are coded differently than those for basic phones (and therefore not compatible); that's why if you had unlimited data on a feature phone and upgraded to a smartphone, you lost your unlimited data.

Customer Service Rep

I am sorry to hear that your Thunderbolt broke. If you switch back to the LG Voyager you will lose your unlimited data plan.  If you activate a new phone with a two year commitment you will switch to new data pricing.  If you bring your own phone to Verizon Wireless within 14 days of making the switch to the LG Voyager we can add the unlimited data plan back to your account. Hope this info helps.

Not applicable

get a disposable phone from a verizon VNMO and have your verizon line noanswer/busy to your temporary phone

otherwise verizon will happily terminate your data plan or the nightly jobs will do it