Trade in issue -Scam?
Enthusiast - Level 1

today I got this email:

Estimated trade-in value:



Final trade-in value:



Submission ID:




Apple/Apple iPad Wi Fi Cellular Black 64GB


So far nobody can explain what has happened or why.  I was very careful to order a 10.2 IPAD 8 GEN 32GB SG order number 991346130698470 and go through the special promotion.  Basicly the promo said you could trade in an old ipad and get 100.00 promotion credit for the old device.  Now. I knew up front this was a good deal because an old Ipad like this was basicly worthless on ebay.  So I signed right up and bought the new ipad and sent them back the old ipad.  Verizon Apple® iPad; Wi–Fi + Cellular Black 64GB.  Was pristine.  Never taken out of it's otterbox case.  battery good.. no issues.  

Now its says it's been changed to 14.00.  Sorry all.  I would NOT have purchased the new IPAD under any reason without the special promo of giving me 100.00 for the old ipad.  Verizon said they would give me 100.00 if I purchased a new IPAD.  so I did just that.  Nothing is wrong with the devivce.  the info is 100% correct and they said they would give me the promo credit for the old device.  Now they don't want to?  no way.. not going to work in my book.  

3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

edit above... I would not have purchased the new ipad unless the special promo was going to value my old ipad at $100.00

Enthusiast - Level 3

It looks like the system didn't properly carry the promotional value over properly.  Hopefully you have something before this email that documents the $100 trade-in value (perhaps on your original order confirmation email/receipt?) or something showing the promo offer during your purchase date.

The trade-in status page based on your submission ID shows $14 as the original estimate (i.e., missing the promo).  That's why I suggest you see if you have something else other than this most recent email that shows the original trade-in value as $100.  Since it acknowledges that the right device was received, then it's just a matter of having to demonstrate you were entitled to the $100 instead of $14 (the Verizon system has messed up so many people's trade-ins, including one I sent in where they can't find the Submission ID in the system even though they know they have the device, and nobody cares to see my proof).  So even if you have this proof, it might not be easy to get someone to fix it.

The trade-in status isn't easy to find online, so here's the info showing they think it's only $14, and that is what they gave you:


Submission Date: 11/27/2020

Trade Origination: Online

Trade Credit Method: Verizon Account Credit

Original Appraisal: $14.00

Final Trade-in value: $14.00


Disclaimer: I am not a Verizon employee, rather just a customer such as yourself.


Customer Service Rep

TheMcPartlin_sInTexas, we are here to help with your promotion! It looks like the promotion wasn't applied for some reason. Please tell us more about the promotion so we can find it on our side and confirm your qualify for it. What was the date of the order?

