Upstate NY: 4 and 5G Signal Loss on Taconic State Pkwy, Sprain Pkwy, Bronx River Pkwy, Hutchinson Pkwy, etc

I have a 200 mile commute (round trip) from upstate New York to Long Island New York. I used to get a consistent 4G or 5G signal, with the occasional dropped call or dead spots along the way. Now I get no signal at all for most of my entire commute. The only time I get any consistent or strong signal is when I'm nearing Co-op City--a major high-rise development in the Bronx along the Hutchinson Pkwy,  or when I arrive at my job--a high-rise corporate tower with cellular antennas all around.

I can't make any calls, I can't receive any calls (straight to voicemail). I can't send or receive any texts. GPS will connect when I start my commute, but will barely update along the way.

I have an iphone 12, also with Verizon that used to get max bars during my commute, now it barely gets a signal. Calls are not sustainable during my commute.

I've been reading the community forums and it seems this is not a new issue. Verizon is intentionally cutting service or signal range in some areas. God forbid myself or someone else needs to use their cell phone for an emergency. I guess we would just  have to flag down a passing vehicle.

I think it may be time to start shopping for another carrier........

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G

iPhone 12 5G


4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Verizon strives to provide reliable service, and we are concerned to learn that you are experiencing issues during your commute. Let us help. Please tell us a little more. When did it start? Is your device software up to date? Are you using Regular or Wi-Fi Calling? 



It started about 2 weeks ago. My wife and I thought it would pass since we've had similar cellular events in the past and the service would return to normal the next day. 

Both of my devices have up to date software. That was the first thing I checked to make sure my cell phones weren't missing any updates that could fix the problem. After that, it was the usual assortment of attempts recommended by Verizon's automated system to remedy the problem (reboot, network reset, sim card, etc.).

I am not using WiFi calling while driving on the highway. WiFi calling works fine. Service returns to normal ONLY when I am within an area where cellular towers abound. 

My phone(s) are getting great service in Levittown, NY where there are plenty of cell towers.

Customer Service Rep

Thegameq13, thanks so much for this info. It is always our goal to provide you with only the best in service as we know how important it is to keep you connected to loved ones and colleagues. We definitely want to explore this issue with you as we would need to pinpoint the area with a zip code.


Customer Service Rep


Thanks for getting back to us. What zip code are you having an issue in? Is this affecting multiple devices? -Joe