Verizon Marketing - Wake Up!

Can someone explain to me the logic on why Verizon would rather have me move four accounts to AT&T vice allow me to keep all my numbers on the buy one, get one iPhone 8 Plus free promotion?  Even would agree to the two year contract for those two lines.  For the promotion, they require me to cancel one line and start a new one.   I am under no contract with Verizon and will now walk to AT&T and the same promotion plus HBO for life, plus a discount on Direct TV, plus no data charge when watching Direct TV.  All for the same price....  Makes no sense why they would give up four accounts over a phone number...  Been with Verizon for 11 years - so much for customer loyalty program...  Sheesh...  Wake-up Verizon... 

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8 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

That's the promotion they are currently offering. They don't always offer such a promotion. Other promotions don't require a new line of service. If the promotion doesn't work for you, wait for one that does. They have a similar promotion for the Samsung Galaxy S8 models. However the Pixel 2 models don't require a trade-in or new line of service to be eligible for the promotion.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


Yes, I understand that.  The point is I can move to AT&T and get this same promotion plus some today In time fo Christmas.  I struggle to understand why Verizon is willing to give up four lines to a competitor simply because they require a new line/new number on one phone.  I would think they would consider letting me keep the number to get two 2-year contracts.  Weโ€™ll be switching to AT&T today unless someone at Verizon figures this out in the next couple of hours... which they wonโ€™t.

Community Leader
Community Leader

The AT&T promotion is different from the Verizon Wireless one. The bill credits take 30 months to be fully paid out instead of 24 months with VZW. You qualify for the AT&T promotion because you are starting a new account there. There aren't two year contracts. They are device payment agreements.

Go ahead and switch if you want, but be sure to truly understand the terms of the promotion before agreeing to it.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Customer Service Rep

We do appreciate your loyalty Ronhor6. I understand wanting to get a great deal on the phone you want. We are always looking for deals for our current and existing customers. We don't want to say goodbye, and I have sent you a private message so we can further discuss this.



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If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Customer Service Rep




Your 11 years of loyalty to us mean so much. We wouldn't want for you to even think about leaving our wireless family. (I hope since you've posted this that you haven't left!) We would not want for you to cancel lines just to open new lines to qualify for this promotion. I'm sorry that the current promotion for the buy one get one free iPhone 8/8+ does not fit what you're looking for. I have sent you a Private Message so I can gather much-needed information to assist further. Please reply back to me in the Private Message to continue.




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If my response answered your question please click the ๏ฟฝCorrect Answer๏ฟฝ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!"

Master - Level 1

Verizon stopped offering 2 year contracts in January. The promotion is what it is. If you really want to move to at&t to get a "free" iPhone well then that's the way it goes. If you really have DirecTV and have HBO and can get free HBO for life and discount on DirecTv and data free DirecTv Now, then why not move to at&t regardless as long as the coverage is the same? That sounds like a better deal than free iPhone Verizon could give you anyway.


Yes, understand the no contracts, but essentially, if I want the free phone, I need to stay (yes, 30 mo) to keep getting the credits.  To me, it is just another type of spin off from the old contracts. 

Totally agree with you boringusername on length and better deal.  We are switching today.  Just trying to understand how Verizon thinks this is good business...  No big deal, as cell phone consumers, we have options and get to exercise those options. 

Champion - Level 3

If the free iPhone from Verizon as well the free iPhone from AT&T both require a new line of service that would lead me to believe that Apple is footing the bill for some of that promotion. It is a well known fact that Apple sets the price of their devices and that is why you do not often seen one place with a lower price than another. Makes sense that Apple came up with this promotion.