Verizon XLTE?
Specialist - Level 1

Sorry if this has been brought up already, but I am starting to see a few articles online about a roll out of "XLTE" in May, which is their AWS spectrum? I see the M8 and S5 devices will support it, but any idea which markets/cities will be able to access this? Just curious. Thanks!

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Verizon has been rolling out LTE over AWS since late last year. And more phones than those two can use AWS spectrum. My G2 can it's right in the specs.[ Network: CDMA, GSM, LTE Band 13/4 (700/1700 MHz),]. So I'm not sure what this XLTE is about.

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budone wrote:

Check this article out.

Verizon to Launch โ€œXLTEโ€ Brand in AWS Markets on May 19 | Droid Life

Thanks B33

Yeah I've read that. But the fact remain Verizon launched LTE over AWS nearly 6 months ago. And there are many phones that can use it not just 2 that they mention. Those are the parts I'm not getting.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have two question cell service is spotty here in castro valley.  It has improved with samsung pico cell . the last samsung product I'll own BYTW.

This XLTE  , i think it should been called AWS but its marketing.  I have HTC one M7 but you list of devices only lists the M* not M7 as capable of using this service .  How many more devices will be retrofitted or have capability built in ?

or is this another ploy where you have to buy new equipment to enjoy this offering.  This seems to be more of the case of "Planned" obsolesce of devices.

Champion - Level 1

wfitz1964 wrote:

This seems to be more of the case of "Planned" obsolesce of devices.

This has been a plan for many years.

Here's a list of more that can be used on Xlte.