Verizon slow in posting mailed payments
Enthusiast - Level 1

I give up mailing in payments to Verizon. They either are intentionally slow in posting payments mailed so you will pay online, are incompetent, have reduced the accounts receivable department that canโ€™t efficiently post payments or some combination of the above. I am tired of having to use my own envelopes for mailing payments and I am going to get hit this month with a late fee because they still have not posted my payments. And donโ€™t blame the post office, that is cheap and I have no problem with any other items I mail. Thought about switching to T Mobile, but they will require on line payments so for now not an option.

2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello, Andy85. Help is here. We understand that some of our customers like to mail in their payments and rest assured, the payments are processed upon receiving them. Is there an issue with making the payment online or signing up for auto payments so that you never have to worry about a late payment for your account? Setting up auto payments can lead to a discount for your account. Please check out the link below.



Enthusiast - Level 1

Sorry Natasha but I beg to differ with your comment that mailed payments are posted promptly. You are the only company I have an issue with slow posting of payments. 

As far as why we mail payments, itโ€™s because I am the only one in the household who uses technology. I donโ€™t like auto pulling of payments and if I am not able to mail payment at least my wife can mail a check. This last payment was mailed timely while I was recovering from surgery so disappointed it is taking so long to post. 

As I stated, I will pay online in future because I am tired of this issue and sad that I have lost respect for the honesty and integrity of Verizonโ€ฆ..