Verizon up gave me the wrong super ticket item
Enthusiast - Level 1

So I claimed a Verizon up super ticket reward for the Samsung galaxy buds live a few weeks ago but instead I received a first generation Samsung galaxy buds and not the galaxy buds live that said in the description of the super ticket reward 

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Congrats on claiming that reward, XavierXXIV. I know they can go fast, and I've not yet been able to claim one myself. I know that I would share the same concern if I got something different than expected. You'll need to contact our Verizon Up support team regarding the reward. You can reach Verizon Up at 866-895-5579. They are available during the week from 8 AM - 8 PM ET, and on weekends from 8 AM - 6PM. 

Please note that their hours may be different due to the holiday.

Let me know if this information helps.