
Verizon stole $654 out of my account claiming it was authorized autopay which it was not!!  My autopay was not to start until April 27th!!  Plus I had a payment setup for April 13th!!  They took the payment March 29th which makes no sense whatsoever but how convenient for them when you pause autopay or change anything for it they don’t give you confirmation to track it so they can really mess with you!!  They caused me 5 overdraft fees in my account due to it being the 1st and having other other payments due out as well!!  They refuse to credit me and didn’t even give me confirmation they were taking it until March 30th in the evening, hello red flag!!  I owe around $200 left in device payments they can eat it since they have cost me over $200 in bank fees it doesn’t barely pay for me to return it because I still owe the fees and them along with my other bills!!  I have been with Verizon at least 15 years, I will be going elsewhere!!  This is ridiculous my next bill isn’t even billed to me until after April 10th!!  I can not believe they say they treat their customers!!

3 Replies
Specialist - Level 2

Does your bank have text alerts?  My bank sends me a text every time there is a withdrawal or deposit to my account plus gives me free over draft protection for situations like this.   If your bank offers that you should set it up.     Hope they straighten it out.  

Customer Service Rep

Hello, AC310. It worries us to hear you were charged this amount before your normal payment date. We do truly value your loyalty of 15 years, and we wouldn't want to lose you. We have sent you a PRivate Note to assist with this matter and make sure any issues are addressed. DavidR_VZW


Verizon stole almost $800 from my wife's account also! We tried to get help from week one of starting the Verizon service & new phone. Unfortunately everything we opened a service ticket Verizon would close it and never fixed or found a solution to poor service or intermittent service losses. Wife switched back to old provider and Verizon stole $800 from account claiming it was for balance of service terms. A supervisor gave me her word a refund would be issued. Unfortunately it was internally over turned. After many days & months of phone calls emails,  and been blown off by Verizon and legal team it appears we're going to have to sue them. Unfortunately Verizon core vaules are not practiced by their leadership or legal team. Extremely awful company I wouldn't recommend ever doing business with. FYI if you have automatic monthly payments BEWARE! Verizon will come and take what they feel is thiers and good luck trying to get the money back even when a Verizon supervisor gives their word and promise it. Verizon wrongly deducted nearly $800 from my wife's account. Despite seeking assistance since day one of our service, each time we opened a service ticket, Verizon closed it without resolution. When my wife reverted to her previous provider, Verizon deducted $800, claiming it was for service term balances. Despite assurances from a supervisor, a promised refund was overturned internally. After countless calls and emails, including being ignored by Verizon's legal team, it seems legal action is our only recourse. Unfortunately, Verizon's leadership and legal team fail to uphold their own values. I strongly advise against doing business with them. If you have automatic payments set up, be cautious; Verizon may help themselves to your funds, and reclaiming them, even with promises from supervisors, is a daunting/impossible task.