Warning: Don't Use Trade-In Program
Enthusiast - Level 1

In April 2018, I decided against my better judgement to use the Verizon trade-in program. I've always sold my phones on eBay previously with great success, getting top dollar for my phones which are always in pristine condition. With the Verizon promotion, the total amount they would pay for my phone was $245.  I could get around $300 on eBay, but decided that the extra $60 was not worth the extra hassle.

In the Verizon store, the employee looked over my phone and said that it looked good -- was in great condition.  He asked if I had my phone backed up and I said no.  So, he gave me a box in order to return the phone once I had finished the backup.

After I had everything backed up, I sent the phone back.

A few days later I received a confirmation email.  Instead of $245, they had given me $70 for my phone. They claimed the screen was cracked, but I can assure that it was in 100% perfect condition when it was sent.  Remember, the Verizon store employee inspected it himself before he gave me the credit amount!

I told the representative on the phone that I either wanted the $245 that was promised, or I wanted the phone returned.  For $70, I'd give the phone to my kids to play with... They tried to negotiate with me and offered $155 -- I declined... Even for $155 I'd rather have my phone back.  I told them the only two options I would accept was the return of my phone or payment of the agreed upon price.  The fact that they were willing to negotiate with me after they had already agreed to the $245 trade-in price was infuriating.

They told me that returning my phone was not a possibility... So, let me get this right.  They can agree to pay me whatever amount they want and I simply have to accept it no matter what?  They never asked me, "We can now only pay you $70 for your phone, will you accept this?" or "Your phone was not in the condition you described so we're returning it to you."  I simply have to trust their inspection?  Something doesn't seem right with this situation!  It's misleading to the nth degree.

I escalated the call and was told to escalate further they'd have to call me back.  Think I've received a call back yet?  Nope.

I tried going to the Verizon store which originally initiated the upgrade.  They shrugged me off... Just told me to call customer service. 

After looking through online forums there is a constant barrage of negative experiences with the Verizon trade-in program.  Like, it's really really bad.

I'm going to be submitting a complaint to the attorney general in my state.  I'd suggest that all others who have been wronged by the program do the same.  Verizon cannot make false and misleading statements to consumers.  They cannot make promises and fail to follow-through.

To anyone else who is considering the Verizon trade-in program... Don't.  If you want the convenience of a trade-in, use a reputable one (Like Apple's Upgrade Program) or sell the phone yourself on an online marketplace. 

If you use the Verizon trade-in program, you're truly rolling the dice... If you don't believe my story, just do a quick search and you'll find hundreds (if not thousands) or similar situations.  Let this serve as your warning!

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65 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

Same EXACT thing happened to me this month.  Perfectly good phone.  They said the screen was cracked/unresponsive.  Neither of those it true.  The phone worked great when I traded it.  Scam.  I will never forget this.

Enthusiast - Level 1

The same thing happened to me. I sent my iPhone 7 32GB phone which is in very good condition and they downgraded value saying that the screen is broken. Did not expect this from Verizon. Now you guys know how difficult it is to get it resolved from Verizon customer service.  I should have researched more before sending the phone to Verizon. Somehow I trusted Verizon and blindly sent it to them. I dont know what to do now. Dont do this mistake guys.


​Content modified as required by Verizon Wireless Terms of Service

Verizon Employee

RAMVIJJU14, using our trade-in option to save on your next upgrade is a great way to save money. It saddens me to hear you feel this way as we strive to provide you with the highest trade-in value possible. Let's attempt to figure out what happened. When you sent in the device, did you use any packaging material to ensure the phone was stabilized during the shipping process?


Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Yes Natasha. I am sure that my phone is not broken as I used good cover to take care of it. I was surprised to see that my screen is broken. Unfortunately, I did not take photographs before sending the phone to you to justify my statement as I didn't expect that I will end up in this situation and somehow I thought the process will be smooth. Well, I was sad to see broken phone pictures from you and I don't know what to say. As there is no option to get back my phone, I accepted what I got. Even I tried to delete my comment on blog as It's my mistake that I sent it without taking photographs. I am fine if you can delete my comment in the community. Please let me know if you need anything else from my side.


Enthusiast - Level 1

Did a upgrade on line with a trade in. Bad idea. I’m going on 7 weeks trying to get trade in box. 5 phone calls all assuring me that the box will be resent... 

my credit is worth approximately 200.00. Frustratinf and their  customer service is a scam. 

Have 3 lines with Verizon andcloolong to make a Carrier change.

Customer Service Rep



This is definitely not the type of experience we want for you, and we wouldn't want to see you leave us over this. However, I do understand your frustrations with this ongoing issue of not receiving the trade-in material and your account credit. I would like to take a closer look at this issue for you. I will send you a Private Message for further assistance.



Enthusiast - Level 1

Wow so many people are going through the same problems.
This exact thing just happened to me too. I ordered the Galaxy S10 5G during the pre-order promotion period where they offered $450 for an iphone 7 plus trade-in. My phone was in perfectly working condition and had no cracks on the screen whatsoever. I received an email today from Verizon saying the exact same thing for the adjustment rationale and reduced the final offer price down to $120. "Screen was unresponsive or had cracks".

After talking to few Verizon reps online, I had no option but to file a BBB complaint. They all said that $120 is the final offer and I can't get my phone back because the trade-in program is irreversible. 

This sounds like a bait and switch scam.

Is there any class action lawsuit regarding this matter?

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am going through this situation right now. We traded in my daughters and my iPhone 7s. Mine was in perfect condition cosmetically and operationally. My daughters had a Tiny tiny defect in the screen but the sales rep looked at both phones and offered us the full $450 per phone trade-in. Because we did not have our phones cleared, they sent us home with a box. Immediately after clearing our phones  I put them in the pouches and actually added additional padding inside the box and mailed it. Just received notice that they are saying my daughters phone had a significant screen defect and that it was not operational and could not even be turned on when they received it. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that phone when we sent it in. They have offered a partial Trade in value and suggested I could either do that or fight with UPS to see if I could get them to pay the difference . This wouldn’t be an option with the UPS claims requirements because I don’t have the box and I can’t take pictures of the packing and the box as it was when it arrived at Verizon. My sales rep when I spoke with her personally didn’t understand it either because she said that she looked at it and she would never have taken it if it was significantly cracked or inoperational but her hands were tied. Very frustrating. 

Customer Service Rep

We apologize to hear that you are going through this. Our goal is to provide the assistance you deserve. We would like to look further into this for you. Please meet us in a Private Note for assistance. AlbertP_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 1

Exact same scam happened to me!

Phone was perfect, no scratches or cracks and was working fine. Reset the phone, put in padded envolope and fed-ex box, added label and returned via UPS.

Get a message saying I only get 30% the value they quoted!

"Adjustment reasons: Your screen was unresponsive or had cracks, We have received a different device than expected, DPP Restrictions"

Been a customer for over 10 years. Very annoyed that I didnt sell privately. Pity we can't trust VZW with this even when they push it so much!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Here is my story... warning this is going to sound very familiar. 
I traded my iPhone 6+ with 128gb for a $200 credit. On a new iPhone 11 ( which terrible) I was given a mailing envelope and a box to return my used phone. The sales rep at the Verizon store marveled at the mint condition of my used phone. I cleared the phone removed the SIM card, placed it in the padded envelope, placed it in the box and sent it with the prepaid shipping label.

a few weeks later I was notified that my returned phone was only worth $15.50 and not the $200 promised. Here is the actual notice I received from Verizon. 


Device trade-in details

Submission date:11/30/2019
Submission ID:21000002025289
Order number:408037
Location code:7185801
Make/Model:Apple Apple iPhone 6 Plus 128GB in Space Gray
Device ID submitted:354387061465145
Estimated trade-in value:$8.33/mo for 24 months
Actual device traded:Apple-Apple A1522 iPhone 6 Plus 128GB in Space Gray
Actual device ID:354387061465145
Final trade-in value:$15.50
Adjustment reason:Your screen was unresponsive or had cracks, Better qualifying promotion found
Customer Service Rep

Ice8, we want to congratulate you on upgrading to a new device! Making sure you are receiving the correct value for your promotional credit is important. We would like the opportunity to take a closer look at the details of your concern. We have sent you a Private Message. Can you please respond to that message? Thank you.




Same exact thing just happened to us, we had just received the email about our trade-in value from Verizon that we are only getting $17.50 for our Samsung S7 edge in mint condition instead of $200 as promised when spoke with a representative at a Verizon store.   The biggest scam! 

Customer Service Rep

We never want to hear this, our goal is that you are a happy customer. When was the new phone purchased? Did the store totally handle the trade-in, did you leave the device with them or did you send it in to us? Was this part of a promotion?



Enthusiast - Level 1

Never use this program! I sent in my device I had told them I was going to, perfect condition! Then they say I sent in a different device and added $400 to my bill. Called them multiple of times and claimed to have fix things but never reflects on my bill. They also charged my card when I never authorized it. 

Customer Service Rep

The last thing we want is for you to feel this way. We see how this whole situation is concerning and we want to be sure that we clarify in any way we can. Can you please provide us more details regarding the situation? Was this a trade-in or an early upgrade? GeorginaG_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 2

It was suppose to be a Trade-in  per agent at a non Verizon company store.


Customer Service Rep

Can you please provide the address of this store location? 



Enthusiast - Level 1

I am going through this right now. As a matter of fact I have been waiting on the line for a supervisor for over 45 minutes. 

they took my daughters iPhone 8, it had a tiny chip in the corner paint, Verizon approved it in store as good and I would get $500 credit for trade in as we were coming over from AT&T. I submitted the devices on 2/2... I had to call 4/8 to get an update. Haha at the 3-5 day appraisal, and I’m sure no one would have called me either.


they said it’s damaged and unusable (complete garbage for a paint chip) and not only do they refuse to give me my phone back, they won’t give me a penny. I don’t know about you, but taking property in return for money, then keeping the property without any payment is the definition of FRAUDULENT THEFT. 

Still on hold. They try to make you give up and hang up. I’m calling every news station, attorney general, and BBB. They literally are stealing my property and refusing to return it or give me money for it.

scam. Switching to another company ASAP!  

Customer Service Rep

The last thing we'd want is to lose you as a customer. We understand how this situation can cause you some concern. To be transparent, devices must be in good physical condition and work properly. This means that if there was a chip or crack on the phone of any kind then it would be ineligible for Trade-In promotions. In addition, once a device is received and scanned at our warehouse, there is not a way to send it back to the customer. Please review Trade-In FAQs: http://vz.to/XQFgxI. We encourage to work with the current supervisor to see what can be offered. We are sorry for the inconvenience. SheritaH_VZW
