Weak signal; Verizon app to report
Enthusiast - Level 2

Why can't Verizon create an app that uses our phone GPS to allow us customers to give feedback of areas of weak signal or chronic outage?

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16 Replies
Customer Service Rep


I apologize for the delayed response because your feedback is greatly appreciated! We are constantly implementing new ways to improve the overall VZW experience. I hope your suggesting isn't due the fact that you are having issues. If so, I am here to help. Where are you located (zip code)? Which device do you have? What specific issues are you experiencing? When did the problem begin? I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks for your contribution to our community forums,


Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

Enthusiast - Level 2

Where are you located (zip code)? 30062

Which device do you have? Samsung Galaxy III and Droid X

What specific issues are you experiencing? Weak signal -93 dBm to -116 dBm 22 ASU

When did the problem begin? Consistent for the area.

Major Intersection of area; Sandy Plains Road and Ebeneezer Road

Recommended fix; Increase tower density or overbuild on tower located at;

3780 Shallowford Rd. NE

Marietta, GA

Customer Service Rep


All of that information was very helpful! Thank you. I have investigated a bit further into the area to see what we can do. I did see a few tickets out in the area. I would like to work further with you. Please follow me and then Direct Message me for more information. Thanks!


Please follow us on Twitter @vzwsupport

Enthusiast - Level 2

What else would you like to see?

Enthusiast - Level 1


Like many other VWZ customers, I'd love for Verizon to implement an app where we can report our GPS location and signal areas relating to calling or internet connection problems.  That's the one thing I like about AT&T.  I'm not exactly sure if they did anything with data being reported within that area, but I didn't see any improvements (or maybe it takes time since they need to get government approvals for the addition of towers?).  Both services are about the same, but I like the experience with customer service over at Verizon generally better so far (I hope I don't jinx this).  For the areas that I'm in, I definitely have been seeing improvements from Verizon.  It's overall better reception than AT&T, but there isn't much difference if you were in the city.  I don't know how much has changed with AT&T since I've left, but I live in the suburbs but still somewhat close to Boston.  I'm glad I made the switch so far.  Rarely have drop calls, though I do encounter slow service or lack of service (reception in voice/data) and would love to be able to report that as well as any dropped calls in that area. 


I hope you have better luck than I did. Back in Nov. ' 08 I notified technical support about a weak signal at work, and technical support confirmed there was a problem with the signal. They said it would take about 1yr to get an antenna put up. Well I wanted to believe they would do something about it since I work for a major company that gets discounts from wireless carriers. Well almost 4yrs later, there is no antenna and still a weak signal. However, we were just notified that another major carrier has agreed to come put an antenna right on company property. And they also agreed to look at all the other company locations across the country to make sure there is no problem. So now co-workers that have verizon are going to wait and make the switch once they are eligible. like I said, hope you have better luck than I did.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I switched from AT&T to Verizon because of all the dropped calls. Verizon told me I had 4 cell phone towers surrounding my house so I wouldn't have any problems.

Not true. I still have dropped calls and fading in & out with not hearing parts of the conversation.

They need to make an app so we can report our problems immediately without having to call them every time & being placed on hold. That's one good thing AT&T had going for them.

Customer Service Rep

Hi gleime,

Welcome to the VZW family! I'm here to help because I want you to enjoy your VZW experience! What is your current zip code? Do you experience the issue in or outdoors? Which device do you have? I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks for your contribution to our community forums,


Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

Enthusiast - Level 1

My zip code is 44646. I experience this problem indoors of my home. I inquired about this before I

From: Verizon Wireless Customer Support

Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2013 3:40 PM

To: Greg   >> personal information removed <<

Subject: **POSSIBLE SPAM** Re: Weak signal; Verizon app to report - Re: Weak signal;Verizon app to report



           Re: Weak signal; Verizon app to report

            created by Verizon Wireless Customer Support in Verizon Wireless Services - View the full discussion

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

Community Leader
Community Leader

If it is only indoors it could be the construction of the building interfering with the signal.

Service isn't guaranteed inside buildings.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 1

 Verizon.  Please listen and understand that your poor coverage issues do not stem from a “zip code” sized area, but are indeed specific high-population areas that your modeling does not properly reflect real world signal results.

Please take the time to create an APP similar to ATT’s “Mark the Spot” app.  Calling customer support (from an area with no coverage??  Seriously??) is useless.  If we report here, you ask for the zip code where the issue occurred.  For more than 10 years you have been missing the point here!  

Please allow customers to use an app to drop a GPS pin within the app, and tell you what issue we had in that exact location.  Then when the user gets to coverage, the app sends you actual real GPS issues, along with the time and date stamp of when the pin was created and a selected reason for the report.


it’s REAL data Verizon can easily use to improve their network coverage.  Still boggled why Verizon can’t seem to get that through their heads?  ATT knows this and has consistently improved weak coverage spots in high usage areas that modeling and calling are FAR too time intensive and ineffective for your customers to help you retain our patronage.

ATT understood this 8 years ago and has been listening and improving g real world usage areas for customers.  As a result, ATT is now #1 on our list of carriers to dump Verizon for due to these kinds of issues that Verizon just can’t solve.  Verizon’s system of reporting and response is broken.  Not all issues are a technical difficulty, they are a network design failure.  Treating reports of ongoing poor coverage micro-zones on a zip code level is just clear confirmation that Verizon does not grasp the idea of continuous improvement; only revenue growth and some limited problem-solving.

Please give your customers the opportunity to report actionable ongoing weak coverage in a way that lets you improve the customer experience in the most effective and efficient manner!!  Use an app like “Mark the Spot” to let you know where your issues are, and solve them.

Khoros Partner
Khoros Partner

Due to the age of this thread, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.

Customer Service Rep

Wattnxt1, all of your feedback is appreciated and we have forward your concern and feedback to the proper channels. Making sure you have the services you need is important and being able to pinpoint/Mark the troubled location can be helpful. Let's gather some details. Are all of your services impacted (calls, text, data)? Do you notice if your service concern happens primarily indoors or outdoors? May we have your nearest intersection, City, and zip code, so we can accurately pinpoint your location?


You're assuming that Verizon wants anyone outside the Verizon technical sphere to know where their network is weak - and they don't.

Verizon closely guards information about tower loading, subscriber density and tower placement.  The last item is not impossible to find, just difficult - and you'll never hear it directly from Verizon.

Verizon is acutely and constantly aware of where the load, placement, spacing and efficiency of the signal network is.  They have a vested interest in guarding that information.  You'll notice over a period of time that a call to customer service to complain about signal level or quality almost invariably results in "Oh, I'm sorry your having trouble..."  " I don't see any reports of trouble..."  "It must be your device.  Have you..."

This is not to say that Verizon is special in this regard; all the wireless providers react the same and sometimes worse (T-Mobile).


My entire neighborhood is having cell issues. Driving up the street my devices have very spotty signal if any at all.  I have to leave my neighborhood and drive for about a mile before I have decent signal.

I have an Apple iPad 2, 2 Samsung Galaxy S3, and we just got rid of an iPhone 4. Can someone look into my issues? My zip code is 30281. Contact me directly and I can give you a street address.



I moved to a new area of town and the Verizon map shows 4G in the entire area.  However, I have only gotten 4G once and usually have 3G with 1 or 2 bars.  I went outside in my driveway and could only get 1X -99db.  I rebooted my phone and got 1X -96db and 3G  -126db.  I was at the park earlier this week and had zero signal.  I am also considering switching providers because I've put in several ticket and haven't gotten any response.  I live in 38053 and work in 38054 and have the same problem in both areas.
