What are my options for fluctuating signal?

We are located in a small community in the western Arizona desert and the nearest Verizon towers are 20+ miles in 2 directions. Verizon says they have no plans to put in a closer tower. Depending on location our signal strength ranges from 1X to a couple of bars of 4G (if I'm understanding correctly), fluctuating sometimes in the same spot. Unfortunately outside of satellite options Verizon cell service is our only choice for internet (except for going to our local library who has ISDN).

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3 Replies

...also I've been trying to research signal boosters. Does anybody know what frequencies / bands we need to make sure on which the booster works?

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You should check out the Wilson boosters. You will need to have LTE bands 13, 4, & 5 compatibility for sure.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


We aren't as far from towers or in as remote (by the sounds of it) an area and in fact Verizon is supposed to have great coverage everywhere. However here in our condo the cell service is very intermittent and switches around a lot not just inside the condo but sitting in the same spot next to the window even! I thought I had worked it out by allowing wifi calling (or whatever that switch is called) and hadn't noticed as many problems recently myself until once again today my phone dropped a call or several to the same place depending on how you look at it, 3 or 4 times before I got all the info I needed across. Worse after being on hold during this call someone came on and even though I could hear her very clearly she obviously couldn't hear me at all and finally just hung up. Ugh! Anyway it varies for us and I would love to know how we could make sure we have a strong and steady enough signal inside our home to make and receive calls confidently. That's the other thing I've had happening, though I don't know if they are related, calls never come in, the phone doesn't ring, not missed calls and suddenly I get a voicemail... or I get a flood of voicemail's some days old come in all at once for no apparent reason.

Sorry IDAZsnowbird, I know I haven't helped you at all, I kind of hijacked your question instead and vented. Smiley Happy