Why does my connection seem throttled at times?

I have an unlimited data plan. I've noticed that it is hard to get a 3g/4gLTE connection after a period of using my 3g or 4gLTE connection. Is there a way to stop the annoying throttling?


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30 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

If you live in the San Francisco Bay area, this forum topic describes why your connections seems throttled:


Customer Service Rep

Hi there Throttled. You're right, throttling is annoying! That's why we don't do it. There is something called Network Optimization http://vz.to/pMMCfs, but it doesn't affect LTE devices. What zip code are you experiencing trouble in? What model device are you using? Do you get an error when you hit the speed bump, or does everything just seem to slow down? Please share details and I'll be happy to investigate.

Thank you

Please follow us on Twitter @vzwsupport


Verizon Wireless Customer Support wrote:


Hi there Throttled. You're right, throttling is annoying! That's why we don't do it. There is something called Network Optimization http://vz.to/pMMCfs, but it doesn't affect LTE devices. What zip code are you experiencing trouble in? What model device are you using? Do you get an error when you hit the speed bump, or does everything just seem to slow down? Please share details and I'll be happy to investigate.

Thank you

Please follow us on Twitter @vzwsupport


This is an absolute lie.  I just got off the phone with customer support, and they told me that my 4G connection was being throttled, since I used more than 5GB on an UNLIMITED plan.  Such a bait and switch.


That is because they ARE throttling.  They also do it on my home Fios network... which I have blocked.  VERIZON, YOU NEED TO STOP THROTTLING.  WE ARE PAYING FOR THE SERVICE & YOU ARE TAKING AWAY WHAT I AM PAYING FOR.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have also been told BY VERIZON REPRESENTATIVES, that they do indeed throttle. I was on the unlimited data plan for a few years, even past the point when they stopped offering it. I was told by a Verizon rep that if I went over 2GB of data they would throttle me back so it is really pointless to have unlimited data plans now.

Not applicable

Verizon does not throttle 4G LTE due to their spectrum agreement.

However 3G is a whole different matter. Most if not all cellular providers will throttle down when capacity is at a huge demand. This is done so all can obtain data. But Verizon brings it back up to speed where Sprint & AT&T do not until your next cycle.

T-Mobile I am sure does the same, except if you go over your allotment with them you keep on getting data but slower with no overages charges.

Good Luck


Elector wrote:

Verizon does not throttle 4G LTE due to their spectrum agreement.

However 3G is a whole different matter. Most if not all cellular providers will throttle down when capacity is at a huge demand. This is done so all can obtain data. But Verizon brings it back up to speed where Sprint & AT&T do not until your next cycle.

T-Mobile I am sure does the same, except if you go over your allotment with them you keep on getting data but slower with no overages charges.

Good Luck

They appealed that decision in court and won.  They do throttle, despite claiming on their website that they do not.  Call *611 and ask for yourself; they won't deny it.  It's plainly obvious.  My speeds max out at 200kbps once the throttling hits.  That's kilobits, mind you.  It's worse than a DSL connection.  It's about 25KBps.

Not applicable

I just googled and it was not mentioned as any appeal. However there was mention verizon with the new spectrum is going to throttle. Not what is presently in affect.

There is a problem with a tower or your device. Find a friend or relative on verizon and have them test right along side you.

Good Luck


Elector wrote:

I just googled and it was not mentioned as any appeal. However there was mention verizon with the new spectrum is going to throttle. Not what is presently in affect.

There is a problem with a tower or your device. Find a friend or relative on verizon and have them test right along side you.

Good Luck

Verizon support told me flat out that my account was flagged for 4G throttling.  It's on their screen when they pull it up.  It happened once I exceeded 5 GB.  I have an unlimited plan and I (stupidly) pay extra for mobile hotspot.

As for the court stuff, I guess there's multiple things going on, between throttling, tethering, app blocking, etc.  I'll dig up some links to see which ones are ongoing, and which ones Verizon is paying the fines on.

Customer Service Rep

I would be glad to settle the dust, JoeNobody.
We actually do not throttle data service. If you do have a 3G device and an unlimited data plan, you may experience Network Optimization http://bit.ly/STwrcy.
Network optimization does not occur on 4G devices.

Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport



Yes, that's what your published terms say -- that 4G isn't throttled (fine, "optimized"......  >:[ )

HOWEVER -- when I called customer service, they said that it is indeed throttled, and my account is indeed throttled.  So, who is right?  You?  If it's you, then please tell me why no matter where I go all across the state, I can't get more than ~200kbps or about 25kBps, depending on if you like bits or bytes, when I have 4 4G LTE bars.  I'm really interested to hear what you have to say on the matter, because you seem to 1) agree with the published documentation, but 2) disagree with your peers on the phone and 3) disagree with reality.

Specialist - Level 2

You aren't throttled currently, but beginning October 1, that is all going to change.

Verizon Now Throttling Top 'Unlimited' Subscribers on 4G LTE | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Contributor - Level 3

Oh that is for the unlimited plan all other providers with unlimited already throttle so does not surprise me Verizon is going to do it too. One thing I do not have to worry about as their prices on their current plans I am happy with.

Specialist - Level 2

LTE or 3G, I would be willing to bet that Verizon is throttling unlimited data users. It makes sense, and if they can get away with it, why not? Most people don't have the money to have it researched properly.

Not applicable

I can say my wife used 10GB last period and it was blazing fast.

I used 50 megabyte so I could not say if it was throttled. Nor can my wife.

It is not just unlimited data users that would be throttled I would assume any heavy users run the risk.

Verizon if they can get away with it may reneg and throttle, but again it will come back to kick them.

Good Luck


Elector wrote:

I can say my wife used 10GB last period and it was blazing fast.

I used 50 megabyte so I could not say if it was throttled. Nor can my wife.

It is not just unlimited data users that would be throttled I would assume any heavy users run the risk.

Verizon if they can get away with it may reneg and throttle, but again it will come back to kick them.

Good Luck

The loophole they are exploiting is the FCC requirement that they do not throttle except for "reasonable network management".  That's why Verizon is very strict in clarifying their actions, claiming that they do not throttle.  "Throttle" is a bad word that will get them into FCC trouble.  "Network optimization" is an ok word/phrase.

Basically, if you do the exact same thing, but call it something else, you can get away with it (until that makes its way through the courts, too).

Not applicable

Correct, that was exactly what I was referring to.

On one hand they say they don't outside of high peak use, then it returns to high speed data use.

The other issue is they are trying to get the new spectrum listed as something else not under what was agreed to when they got the original spectrum.

Glad you found it.


It already has been through the courts. Unlimited data and unlimited bandwidth are two different things. Even the FCC agrees they are different.

You can take it to court and I wish you the best of luck. Fair Use clauses has always been apart of the contract and they just started to enforce it. The same thing happened to T-Mobile when they started to enforce their no tethering policy.

Not applicable

If Verizon actually cared about ALL of their customers then they would throttle everyone who exceeds the limit, NOT just the ones that won't pay them $750/month.  Those customers can ruin the experience for everyone with Verizon's blessing.

Can't wait for Verizon to sell life annuities, if they think someone is living to long they will just OPTIMIZE their monthly payment to them

Contributor - Level 3

Verizon to me should throttle the unlimited plan people that do nothing but try to hog up all of the network just because they got unlimited. After all I pay for the amount of data I use. Do not like the throttleing then pay for the data you want to use and stop complaining about. You are not the only one who wants to use the data sheesh stop trying to be so selfish. There are other people besides you. If you want to use that data at some certain amount then go pay for it. All providers are throttling on unlimited so if you do not like too bad nothing to do but pay for what you want to get used to being throttled. Even if I was in your shoes I know your lower rate is not that much as a friend of mine has that unlimited and seen the price of my more everything plan and jumped on it. So you get what you pay for in my book.