Why does my phone keep kicking me off my home wifi?
Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm thinking verizon pulled a wells fargo. Disconnecting users from their home wifi or any wifi  results in overages of data "use" Has anyone found a workaround?

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15 Replies

Is the phone the only device that is having problems staying connected to this specific WiFi? Does it have trouble staying connected to just one WiFi location (home for example) or multiple locations (store, coffee shop, library)?

Enthusiast - Level 2

In general it's having issues staying connected to any wifi. Specifically the home wifi is causing me the most trouble because I depend on it. I turned off wifi assist and tried all the routine things that usually help turning on and off the device double checking settings etc.

Champion - Level 3

Yup. It is a conspiracy. Verizon made it so that your phone won't connect to WiFi so that you MUST use your mobile data resulting in overages. Likely.

Seriously though, what phone do you have? What software version is it running? What type of network do you have at home? Did you try to unplug your router, forget the network on your phone, plug the router back in and reconnect them? What troubleshooting steps did you take before you jumped to the conclusion that VZW sabotaged your device?

Enthusiast - Level 2

Omg! thank god! Superman is here! 

I have an Iphone 7 plus and I did try the troubleshooting you recommended, resetting the router, forgetting the network and reconnecting to it after a few minutes, sitting next to the router to check if I was too far from it and maybe that was causing the issue.

I asked a few other verizon customers I know and they reported having the same problems. Different phones but same issue of being kicked off their wifi and having to repeatedly reconnect. 

Champion - Level 3

The next thing I could suggest is to make sure that your router is set to use IPV4 and not IPV6.

I don't know what that means but when I had the issue with my phone disconnecting, I changed this setting and it works great now.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Ah ha, you have an Iphone. Make sure in settings you turn OFF "wifi assist".

It will default to cell service.

Contributor - Level 3

"I'm thinking that Verizon pulled at wells fargo."

That's just silly.

There is no way that Wells fargo even know what kind of cellphone you have unless you call and specifically tell them and even then they cant physically block a device from connecting on there in its something that you have to do from you own wifi admin settings.

Call them and find out why your not connecting to wifi or why your dropping it. it might be something as simple as your too far away from your router or something is in the way blocking the signal to your phone. Your phone might be broken too so I would check into that Verizon tech support has always helped me out when I needed them.

If your having problems with data overages I would check out the new unlimited plan or look into safety mode.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thank you Smiley Happy for the advice I will try calling them to see if it's something that they can resolve over the phone I just thought I'd try asking here since work often doesn't allow me the time to make calls for more than a few minutes.

I've reset and gone as far as sitting next to the router. In the first week of switching to Verizon my data that would regularly take me a month to hit was reached in that week. I downloaded an app to track my data use and it was reflecting my highest use for the day when I wasn't even on my phone.

Customer Service Rep

Ness75, we want to make sure you are able to use your device with your in-home Wi-Fi. Are you still having issues with your device connecting to Wi-Fi? Have you tried resetting your network settings(Settings>General>Reset)? Let us know if you are still in need of assistance, we are happy to help.


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If my response answered your question please click the Correct Answer button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Still having the same issues after trying all of the suggestions but I will exit this and go down to the store to see if the guy who sold me the phone would be able to assist me. Thank you for following up. Smiley Happy

Champion - Level 3

They can't troubleshoot your home WiFi at the store but good luck.

Specialist - Level 2

With you stating that it used the most data on the day you weren't even on it-- this leads me to believe that you have background data enabled/allowed.

Turn this off in Settings>General>Background App Refresh....

The fact that you are using more data  is possibly related to the fact that you are getting faster speeds, coupled with having a new phone that doesn't have all wifi networks that you typically visit saved in the device yet?? Not to mention, when you get a new device there is usually a decent amount of downloading that is done up front to get apps installed, software updates for the phone downloaded and  installed etc....

There is definitely no conspiracy with VZW forcing you to use more data as you can see for yourself within this menu the amount of data that each app has used. If you reset these statistics at the beginning of your bill cycle you'll see that it will display roughly the same amount used as any other data counter that is accurately tracking billable data sent and received from this device's IMEI....

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am convinced that they do this to get you to buy more Data. I have had this problem for years. Every other device will connect to home wifi uninterrupted while my cell can't connect. Tech support plays dumb about it. None of these supposed fixes work. Its [removed] over or not enough people complain. And they wear you out with hours of tech calls that go nowhere. I've given up. May try to go back to ATT but doubtful they aren't doing same thing. And I refuse to join the "unlimited' scam. Thats a good one. Read the fine print on that. In fact Verizon used to tell you about ATT's unlimited scam until they started doing it themselves. Now its a great plan ha.

[removed]  you Verizon.

Profanity removed as required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service​.

Message edited by Verizon Moderator.


Phone doing this now. S8plus kicked the bucket finally so we went and had verizon switch over the data from the other phone on the plan and got a new one. Ever since this s9 magically started disconnecting from wifi every couple of minutes. Where we hardly used data now its almost maxed out. I went as far as turning off my mobile data, and as soon as I did that verizon text me that my mobile data had 10% left and that they now offer unlimited plans. I don't want your throttled unlimited plan. Its just funny that this phone never had an issue until someone at verizon got their hands on it. They saw that we hardly use the data and I assume did something to make this phone constantly drop wifi so that it can chew away at your data. Pretty fishy that everything in the house works seamlessly and this is the only device with a problem. Did every and I mean everything recommended beside factory restoring the phone again. I don't want to have to go through loading all my stuff back onto the phone, and having to set all my screens etc up all over again. 

Customer Service Rep

Hello, Leroyinva! It's vital that your phone stays connect to your Wi-Fi, so thanks for contacting. We want you to have the plan that best fits your needs, and wouldn't do anything to impact your use. Thanks for the steps you've taken so far. Next, please run a service check with your My Verizon app:https://www.verizon.com/support/knowledge-base-206364/. This will alert you to anything that needs attention. Please let us know how that works for you.  -Tracy