Will I be able to connect with a new phone

I have lived in same apt for seniors for 12 years......with no CONNECT problems on 3G service. I still have a 3G basic cell AND LOTS of connect problems increasing AND I AM still a long-time paying customer. MY Q IS THIS......will I be able to CONNECT EVEN IF I purchase a NEW VERIZON CAPABLE PHONE?

OR.....is this a NEW CONNECT PROBLEM only BC of 4G service not GOOD ENUF in my old apt building!!!!????? NEW TECHNOLOGY = NEW PROBLEMS???? 

I understand "bugs" but......I am having to buy a new phone SIMPLY because verizon in no longer supporting 3G by the end of 2020????

Argggg......and now I wonder if a NEW phone will even still work????



1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Jamielou8, as a consumer, I know that if you are paying for something you want it to work when you need it. Yes, we are moving away from 3G services. As we do so, you will find that devices that are not 4G capable will no longer work. I understand your hesitance in making an investment not knowing if what you are experiencing is caused by the transition away from 3G or a coverage issue. Though we are never able to provide a guarantee of indoor coverage, we certainly do all that is possible to provide coverage to our customers. You mentioned that you are having "Connect" problems, exactly what services are you having trouble with? What happens when attempting to use them? Does this happen indoors or out? Please know that should you make a purchase to a new phone, all of our phones do come with a 14 day Worry Free Guarantee. This way, you have the opportunity to test the device where you use it and should it not work for your needs, return it. LorenB_VZW If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!