You will not lose UNLIMITED DATA! - ANSWERED!
Enthusiast - Level 2

... as long as you don't start a new contract or pay the subsidized price for a new phone. Meaning when your next "upgrade" is available, you must pay full price to keep your grandfathered data plan.

Here is a great explanation: SOURCE

  • *EDIT: Upon switching from a 3G device to 4G you will need to purchase a tiered data plan.
  • *EDIT2 - The tiered share data plans take affect JUNE 28TH 2012!

This answers all the Verizon hate threads about being FORCED to lose their unlimited data. (Please stop the rumors!)

Have a good day!

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39 Replies
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I was just told by Tidbits that if you upgrade form a 3G phone to a 4G phone you can't keep unlimited even if you paid full price

Enthusiast - Level 2

Correction! This is true!


If you upgrade BEFORE July 28 you will keep your data plan.  If you upgrade after that date and take subsidization for your phone and sign a 2 year you will have to pick one of the newer plans.  If you buy the device outright after that date you will keep your current plans.

Not applicable

Oh so now you're saying if the upgrade to a 4G phone before June 28th they can still keep unlimited? Yeah they kind of need a STRAIGHT answer within the next 10 days.


Anything you do BEFORE June 28 you can keep unlimited.  It's just after the date the NEW plans go into effect affects the plan.

Not applicable

Fine I'll tell them that if they want to keep their unlimited they have to upgrade and pay full price before the 28th. They might even stay with Verizon. They were really ticked the other day when I informed themt hey couldn't keep unlimited and still get a discount. They were looking forward to upgrading to a 4G phone in Oct when their upgrade was. Now not only do they not get a discount they have to come up with $600 in 10 days or wait until Oct to upgrade with a discount then have to pay $50 a month for 5 GB because 2 GB won't be enough. So thus they pay $20 more a month for data which is $480 more over the next 2 years which pretty much negates the discount. They've already told me that they are seriously thinking about just waiting out their contract in February and leaving Verizon. How Verizon thinks it will make MORE money on this when current customers are leaving and potential customers are scared off by this grand new scheme is beyond me.


That is what I have decided to do, I will wait out my contract or buy it out early and I will go to T-Mobile where I can get unlimited data. I have had 4 phones with Verizon for years now and after speaking with them on the phone my loyalty means nothing to them.

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Kirk4phones wrote:

That is what I have decided to do, I will wait out my contract or buy it out early and I will go to T-Mobile where I can get unlimited data. I have had 4 phones with Verizon for years now and after speaking with them on the phone my loyalty means nothing to them.

"loyalty"? sigh. You did not stay with Verizon out of "loyalty". T-mobole has "unlimited" data not unlimited data. You'll find that out soon enough. Oh yeah and no 4G so enjoy your 3G "unlimited"( that really isn't ) data.

Not applicable

A couple more questions. They want to know if they upgrade to a 4G phone and pay full price before the 28th does that extend their contract or does their contract still run out in February as it is currently scheduled to? And if it does run out in February then they'd be month to month right? And do they still keep that unlimited being on month to month?


No it will not extend the contract.  Yes if that is the end of their contract date.  Yes anyone who is on month to month will keep their unlimited data.  Until Verizon decides to phase it completely out.  It could be 1 year from now or 5 years from now.

Not applicable

Thank you. I will let them know. If I were a betting man I suspect Verizon ends it closer to 1 year than 5 years.


I did this Very thing yesterday i got a Second Maxx Kept my Unlimited Smartchoice 500 and i paid $199.99 because of the Dads & Grads Promotion.. Its only after you go past the the 27th of this Month if you have an existing unlimited plan you will have to pay Full retail..

Contributor - Level 2

     Verizon has changed the game grossly to favor themselves, OK that's business, and probably soon ATT&T will adopt similar plans, unless the revolt to leave becomes a reality. As consumers, let's use an approach that maximizes our value and protects things we value. The one absolute here is that the changes will make us sit up and pay attention. I for one, missed the announcement about the upgrade fee, not that I could have done anything to upgrade a line before it took effect, but I simply didn't pay attention. From now on I will utilize all resources available to track news and revamps of all. Especially ones that were there in front of me. Best example is that verizon told me that the upgrade fee was mentioned in my paper bill, but since I can see my bill amount in dollars online, I rarely looked at the bill. So we should be forewarned to remain dilligent.  

* Read the bill to look for changes or new policies

* Take nothing for granted ask CS if anything looks different or seems unusual on your bill

* Don't expect that verizon will alert you to changes in an overt way, you probably won't get an email or text message

* Do your own homework, your friend or neighbor may have information that is only partially correct or mostly incorrect

* Use all tools available to monitor usage and tailor your plan while we do have the ability to adjust them.

* Analyze whether things like insurance are cost beneficial after a certain time frame (deductibles are usually 100$ or more)

* Never be shy about calling (611) and asking pertinent questions and ask for documentary evidence to the subject.

* Never assume that the answer is correct when you 'ask' about something, if you see on the vzw website, it is policy

* If a rep tells you something that benefits you monetarily and says they are implementing it, ask them to put it in a notation in your account. This might sound weird, but it might just help you out, reps say things just to appease, and later you expect to hold the company accountable but they may not without proof.

* Research phones before getting one, unless you are a 'tech nerd' it's hard to keep up with all the devices, look for reviews online but not necessarily on the vzw website. Unreliable phones while being sold by vzw, were not made by them, also ask about return policies and expectations.

* Let's get use to the idea of constantly watching the companies we hand our money to, watch them like hawks, all the time.

* And one more thing, look as far ahead as you dare, I am now looking to avoid locking in to contracts anymore, sure the phones are expensive, but soon Google will be selling phones directly, as other companies do, and I think that as consumers, finding ways to avoid lock in (to contract) will have to be our policy change. As the benefits of subsidized phones erodes, we need to leverage our business clout as a block and being able to change carriers if we have the ability (or coverage) will become a powerful tool. Not just that people leave, but leave in painful numbers.

*  My hope for the future is that, Google or Apple might seriously look at getting into the carrier game, these rumors/ideas are mentioned in various places, but only as concepts at this time. If either one did, it might re ignite true competition in  the 'signal provider' business. 

Most people probably do these things, at least some of them. But I should stress that among them, that documenting what you are told is paramount.

Not applicable

B33 wrote:

I did this Very thing yesterday i got a Second Maxx Kept my Unlimited Smartchoice 500 and i paid $199.99 because of the Dads & Grads Promotion.. Its only after you go past the the 27th of this Month if you have an existing unlimited plan you will have to pay Full retail..

My friend's upgrade isn't until October so they'll have to pay full price if they want to upgrade to a 4G phone and keep unlimited.


That is unless they Qualify for early Upgrade have them Call an see.. My Contract for Second line was to end about that Same Time an i got an early upgrade So have check an See they might be able to do it Now..b33 Smiley Happy



Enthusiast - Level 3

I would like to know where it says we cannot switch from a 3G to a 4G phone without having to switch to a tiered data plan, because the only place I can find on the website that talks about losing your unlimited data says " If keeping unlimited is important to you, you can choose to upgrade and pay full retail price for the phone." No mention of being required to switch to a tiered plan when going from 3G to 4G.


Give sources or go home.

Contributor - Level 2

Emagehtmal: Unfortunately in too many instances the policies of vzw are not easy to find, (on a page) or not even available to be found. But one basic fact remains, the 'lose unlimited if upgrading from 3g to 4g does seem to be a reality" I cannot offer any links and likely it hasn't even been on any web page. verizon is definitely behind on posting pages related to 'some' of the plan changes and this is one case. But nowhere in any discussion have I seen evidence that this story is not true. As unpleasant as it might be to current 3g users, is seems to be the case. Although this seems to one instance of complete clarity in terms of plan changes, it still may not be in 'print' for all to see.What really matters is, they won't let you have it, whether there is 'material proof' or not. Hopefully verizon will consider it important enough to post web pages on things that, so far are not 'documented'.  

Master - Level 2

EmagehtmaI wrote:

I would like to know where it says we cannot switch from a 3G to a 4G phone without having to switch to a tiered data plan, because the only place I can find on the website that talks about losing your unlimited data says " If keeping unlimited is important to you, you can choose to upgrade and pay full retail price for the phone." No mention of being required to switch to a tiered plan when going from 3G to 4G.


Give sources or go home.

Nowhere reputable has reported that.  Up to this point, smartphone data plans have been treated as smartphone data plans regardless of whether or not it's a 3G or 4G device.  What we do know under the current plans, unlimited data on a dumbphone will not carry over to a smartphone.  We also know that after June 28th, if you get a subsidized device 3G/4G, an unlimited plan will not carry over to the new device regardless of what technology you're coming from.  Nothing has been mentioned about what would happen if you purchase a 4G phone off-contract and activate it on a line the previously had a 3G device with unlimited data.   No one really knows at this point.

Contributor - Level 2

       With ambiguity on various issues and opposing answers from one rep to the next, basically uncertainty in our half of the marketplace, this is why I consider verizon less than a top tier company. Profitable sure,  best network penetration sure,  best customer support not so much.  It just shows a lack of priority on that front. It's the information age and they should be able to give us that. But fortunately many members here can give straight answers when CS can't.