its time to go... bye bye Verizon, hello pink people
Contributor - Level 2

Verizon has great service but isnt very customer friendly IMO... I hate to take my number and move on but Im at the end of my rope. Im not a huge "phone talker". I text and get on the net and Verizon doesnt provide a "basic" phone for my needs. Some of us dont want all the bells & whistles but if Im going to get the bells and whistles I dont want to have to watch my DATA every month.

Its a sad time for me cause I loved Verizon and I was getting a 18% discount which I wont be getting from the Pink People. I'll survive and so will Verizon Im sure

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55 Replies

Each customer has to choose the cellular service that is best for them. Whether it is with VZW, another carrier or no carrier at all.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Not applicable

T-Mobile gives corporate discounts. Just show your id at the store.

Have fun at the "Pink" people. I think they call their color magenta.

Good Luck


I seen on a Commercial last night there also paying for E.T.F fees on phones turned back into T-Mobile on I assume certain  Family plans might be there sending a challenge to the other carriers.. 

For one's wanting to catch the commercial watch for it to possibly to run again during the NFL playoffs.. that's when companies really want people to see there advertising..

Not applicable

According to the news where I live, the people at T-Mobile are seeing a huge jump in customers. From all the other carriers.

So it is hurting the big three. Don't believe it isn't.

However the WSJ is saying Sprint/Softbank is getting closer to acquiring T-Mobile, Dish has dropped their bid for them.

Also note Verizon sold low level spectrum and swapped spectrum for 3 billion dollars with T-Mobile. So the coverage will vastly improve.

In the mean time Sprint offered family of 4 pricing of unlimited calling and texting and 1Gb of data. Don't remember if that is per line or shared. The total price is $100 for the family plan. they are also giving away until Monday Samsung Galaxy 3 tablets absolutely free, no taxes no down payments etc. However its a two year contract and the base plan is 50 MB of data for $5 or 2 GB of data for $15 a month for the tablet. And a $36 activation fee. When I inquired about it at Sprint the guy said he would also waive the activation fees so its $120 for two years with 50 MB of data or $360 for 2 GB of data over two years, and there are early termination fees included. Not really free.

Good Luck

Not applicable

Elector wrote:

According to the news where I live, the people at T-Mobile are seeing a huge jump in customers. From all the other carriers.

So it is hurting the big three. Don't believe it isn't.

It's not. Except Sprint. T-Mobile ignores 35% of the US. Most of that area is At&t and Verizon territory. So each pretty much has 15% marketshare without even having to compete with T-Mobile. In areas where they do compete even if T-Mobile had 40% marketshare their total marketshare would be 26%. Even if At&t and Verizon each only had 1/3 each of the remaining 60% they have 28% total marketshare. So even under a most favorable situation T-Mobile is STILL behind At&T and Verizon. Until T-Mobile starts covering the 35% they ignore they will be at best a distant 3rd.

Also if T-Mobile continues to get customers and still insists on offering unlimited data they will have congestion issue pretty quick. Also T-Mobile is NOT making any money. No way they can afford to low ball pricing and pay ETFs and survive. They are just pretty much assuring they get bought out. The math doesn't work for T-Mobile.

Not applicable

I can agree on your assessment in this reply. It is common knowledge that T-Mobile breezed through that AT&T money, they are building out and with spending 3 Billion plus to verizon for the low level spectrum will give them needed coverage in more outlining places. Now Sprint if successful will get all that spectrum and the 4G LTE that T-Mobile has, good move if Sprint can actually get the company. Some news sites are saying that Sprint may not continue with T-Mobiles uncarrier program. But you have to wait and see if regulators allow the take over.

Having tried T-Mobile on one of our devices, the calks were great, WiFi calling was great, customer service and billing were sorely lacking. However their coverage outside of just a few miles from my home was terrible. My friend lives out in a rual town, the T-Mobile coverage was non existent but if I used his WiFi the calling was great. I had great coverage with my verizon device and he has Sprint and calling and data (3G) was excellent.

Eventually all the companies will be having coverage, some many years away but then it will come down to prices and gimmicks to obtain customers.


Yea I'm staying were i'm at was just passing the news but if verizon should go this route it might be niceSmiley Happy b


I will say this now... If the AT&T and T-Mobile buy out didn't pass. Sprint has no shot either. One of the main defense was that 4 national carriers were better than 3. So explain to me why now having 3 is better than 4 now? I see a little too much wishful thinking...


Well anytime there are more carriers it helps or I'd think it would as there is more competition but who knows how things are to shake up in this world we live in Tidbits and you know that.. with out asking we don't know anymore if you go on you'll see there how he talks about the changes in Microsoft all the oldies that are leaving or are gone!

Heck in a few months I may or may not be on here or any were for matter!  because there Dropping support for XP now I'm not crying about it my computer has done some great years of Service even before I got it,  but come around April if all is dropped on XP I don't know what i'm going to do for sure I darn sure don't have the money to buy another computer.. So for a many of you that has see me on here, you may not see me on here after that.. we wait and see.. 

Not applicable

The simple facts are like anything in life, change is going to happen.

In the way long past, using DOS was the norm. The book they sold how to use the commands was support when you think about it. Then it was Windows, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, 98, ME, Vista, Windows 7, and of course Windows XP is in that fray now we are on Windows 8 and six months later Windows 8.1 it is all driven by profits.

I have all those operating systems in boxes and support for them long gone. But its progress.

Just like all these cell phone OS updates. Are they good? Bad? Only the individual can really say.

Good Luck


So you are saying.... Anything Sprint does is OK even if the same results will happen as if AT&T purchased it less than 6 months prior? The landscape hasn't changed since AT&T tried to purchase T-Mobile to the point where any can validate Sprint buying T-Mobile.

Sprint buying T-Mobile will not happen any time soon for the SAME reasons why AT&T couldn't buy T-Mobile.

Not applicable

The original phone companies was Cellular One, oh yes there were smaller ones just starting out. Then in NY the NY Telephone Company was building out cellular it open as Bell Atlantic then Bell Atlantic NYNEX Mobile, then they gobbled up Arch Wireless and a few others so now it was actually two cell providers. Then the originator of cellular PCS (Sprint) final!y got on the bandwagon. T-Mobile was not even in the picture. So we had three. Why would not three work again?

That competition is not gone. Then through laws there are a crap load of companies selling cell services due to them having the use of AT&T and Verizon towers. That due to them not maintaing  any networks of their own can sell services so much cheaper. That is competition. So much in fact the big cell providers are now buying them up. Would that be to stiffile competition?

T-Mobile is not really needed. So Sprint gets them, all the spectrum they need all in place, they get the low level  spectrum that was just bought from Verizon, they improve coverage, they get more customers, they offer better plans and services.

Verizon & AT&T are forced to lower costs, forced to offer like services. That is what competition should be.


AT&T would have a valid complaint if the DoJ approved the sale to Sprint. Think about it... Anything that applied to AT&T would also apply for Sprint. I do not see Sprint buying T-Mobile anytime soon. Everything that's going on is probably lingering rumors from the last failed attempt by Sprint.

Not applicable

Unfortunately although similar it really is not. AT&T has like Verizon more customers than Sprint & T-Mobile combined.

So a buyout or merger of two small cell companies would be looked on differently. Just like when Bell Atlantic gobbled up smaller cell providers and AT&T also did the same across the nation.

I would think a combined Sprint-TMobile would not even faze either companies (AT&T & Verizon)

We will have to wait and see. The Wall Street Journal last week was saying Wall Street is for the buyout of T-Mobile.

Its up to regulators now.


Stop... Sprint buying T-Mobile could put them in the number 1 or 2 spot. Sprint isn't like MetroPCS or some regional carrier. Much like when Verizon bought Altell. A lot of the network was sold off to regional and even AT&T. If they were so worried about it then they could have done the same when AT&T tried to get T-Mobile.

I will put down money it won't happen for the same reasons why it didn't happen for AT&T. DOJ will use the same defense.

Not applicable

However the circumstances are not the same. The DOJ and the FCC were looking at a big cellular company (AT&T) gobbling up a small provider (T-Mobile) who does not even equate in terms of number of customers or service coverage.

I would have thought since they use the same technology (GSM) the likely prospect was ripe for them to acquire the smaller cell provider. However the DOJ was looking at the fact the number two carrier buying them would or could be a start to close them down thus stiffleing competition.

In Sprints case, they also have low numbers of subscribers, they too were bleeding money and due to Softbank now can see taking two small providers and merging into one can foster competition as I wrote above.

The one point that could stop this is Softbank which is a foreign company. But maybe not since Verizon had Vodaphone and T-Mobile has that German Telecom Company so it may not matter.

In my opinion the company (Sprint) will be granted the right to acquire T-Mobile and even though both companies together won't equal what even Verizon or AT&T have as far as customers, the stream lining may actually foster better prices and plans. It would be like it was before. Three major providers once again. The buyout would be good for Sprint of this I am sure.


That's all smoke and mirrors. Sprint buying T-Mobile will cause a monopoly either way. Much like IDEN with Sprint Nextel merger(which Sprint did absolutely jack with for so long). Which would cause AT&T to be the sole GSM carrier... Or Verizon the sole CDMA carrier... So that's all smoke and mirrors from the underlying truth. DoJ wasn't arguing the facts on technology like the click bait machines out there. It was about a monopoly much like why Verizon had to sell certain sections of Altels networks in certain regions to a competitor for pennies on the dollar for the deal to go through.


Oh not to mention everywhere is going VoLTE... Which is a GSM network through and through... Makes AT&T buying T-Mobile more than a bit moot claiming they'll have a monopoly on GSM....

Contributor - Level 3

Good luck hope you find what you are looking for in your next provider. I am happy here as they have the best reception which is my main concern where I live. Good luck

Contributor - Level 2

the service is AWESOME... but Verizon has its customers  (comment removed) and isnt friendly at all in my opinion

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