my text notification isnt showing up on my droid razr maxx hd

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I posted the same question in the razr maxx forum before I saw this forum so I apologize for the double post. I just recieved my droid razr maxx HD and activated it yesterday. Anyway heres my issue....the green text symbol on the bottom of the screen of my razr maxx HD is not showing when I have a text waiting. Its suppossed to show the number in orange of how many texts I havent read yet but its not. It plays the notification sound and shows the text symbol in the notification/status bar on the top of the phone but nothing to indicate how many waiting texts down below on that symbol. When I actually click the text symbol it shows my waiting text and I can access my texts just fine. Its just not indicating the number of texts I have waiting on top of that symbol. I do remember it showing it like it should earlier when i first activated it but at some point it stopped doing it and Im not sure why. I updated my phone and android system to the latest update, downloaded a few apps..not sure if thats the reason maybe. I triple checked through all the settings to see if there was something I changed by mistake but I dont see anything related. Also the symbols for email and phone that are also down in that area are working just fine and show the number I have waiting/missed like they should. Its just the text one that isnt doing it. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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