received calls show wrong caller number

my wife claims she called me from her work phone last week  11/15/2023 at 12:50 pm  like she does every day at that time but my phone shows a different number than her work number.   this happened again that day at 2:15pm when she had to call me about something.  she made one call to me on friday at 12:50pm  and showed a different number again other than her work  number .  monday 11/20/2023  call to me at 12:50pm showed her work number what im used to seeing. today 11/21/2023 her call at  12:50pm to me again showed a different number...  when i say different number it's the same number every time just different from her work number im used to seeing...when i call this number i get a voice mail from a person that works for the same company. but in another state. i haven't left a message yet but question why an employee never answer's the phone .  this number even show's up in my verizon calls at the times my wife called me.. my wife swears she's telling me the truth that she only used her work phone like she did for the past 5 years.. and doesn't  have another phone or use another it possible she's telling me the truth. i find it hard to believe. is there any way or thing i can do to prove what is true and what is not . to find out the truth. someone  help please. thank you.

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