slow download

Why is my download speed so slow? .01-1.25Mbps is normal at night but goes up 5 Mbps sometimes for a couple hours and then drops back off and sometimes with no internet at all. Last night it went to ZERO for over an hour and then magically came back with 2.5Mbps speed. Doesn't sound like a phone problem to me!! (No change in weather either) Tech support says they fixed it but still no better. Then they claimed I'm in marginal coverage area, [Removed], sometimes I get 15 Mbps download, I am guessing when there is low traffic, but I have seen .01Mbps at midnight, so this doesn't add up, who is on the internet at midnight? I also have 3-4 bars coverage most of the time, but have seen it drop to 1 bar for no reason, weather was good, no storms or cloud cover, so what's up with that?. I am about 3 miles from the tower and on top of a hill so its hard to believe I am in a marginal coverage area unless the signal strength is turned way down.

I could attribute slightly slower speeds to peak time tower load but dropping to .01Mbps anytime is not acceptable. However there's two factors I find a bit troubling that make me think something else is wrong with the tower. First, I am on unlimited data plan, which I'm well aware Verizon hates and claims to throttle my speed, but throttling me to .01Mbps, I can't even send a text at that speed. Second, the speed fluctuation is immense, from upwards of 15mbps all the way down to .01mbps and now for 4 days out of 6, I have lost internet connection for an hour at night. I really think there is a tower problem and just can't handle my 10 neighbors on it at once. I live in a sparsely populated area, so it not like 1000 people are using the same tower and using up the bandwidth. I really think the equipment is undersized and not capable of handling my 10 neighbors all at once and the power is turned way down.

Things I have tried to remedy:

Called in complaint tickets may times, only to get some stupid answer

Connected to different severs for tests around local area to rule out bad severs

Factory reset my Apple store bought I phone 6 plus twice

Updated my carrier settings with no difference

Removed and added my SIM card back

Rebooted the phone after poor tests and trying again with no change

Drove around to different areas of my local area where there are different tower to connect with to find out my speed went through the roof.

Last remedy is to switch providers, ATT has to be better.

profanity removed as required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service

Message edited by Verizon Moderator

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16 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We would never want to see you leave us SKYKING256. We understand the importance of having reliable data service and want to do everything we can to help. When did this issue begin? What is the zip code where you are having the trouble?


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This all started about 2 years ago and has gotten worse since I went unlimited and started checking download speeds. My zip code I live close to is 28017, that's where to tower is, about 3 miles from my house. I also live on top of a hill and can almost see the tower from my back door.

The Verizon techs answer was "less then optimal signal strength in your area" That answer was obviously pencil whipped again!! I drove to within 500 feet of the tower, had 5 bars of service and still no internet. No internet, sounds like a tower problem?? When I did have internet I was only getting .01Mbps of download speed, all within 1000-500 feet of the tower. I get 3-4 bars of signal at my house, so doesn't sound like less then optimal signal strength. It sounds like overloaded tower to me. How does Verizon expect to keep customers with intermittent service and downloads speeds that are unusable?

John H

Customer Service Rep

Skyking256, getting 3-4 bars and getting slow speeds is not normal. Let's get this figured out. Do these slow speeds only happen inside your home? Is anyone else experiencing this problem with you? How far from your home do you have to go in order to pick up consistent speeds?


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Read my post above, I drove to the tower and still only get .01 Mbps download speed with 5 bars of service!

Last night was better but still had an hour or two of .01 Mbps download speed, came up for awhile (3-4 Mbps) and then at 11:00pm it dropped down to .01-.04 Mbps. It's pretty obvious the tower is overloaded and when I am dropped to the lowest priority (maxed out data on unlimited plan) these are the speeds I get. I really don't like the tech's answer saying I am in a marginal coverage area, not a way to solve problems or win customers. Did the tech even drive out to my house? Did they even look at the tower stats? Tower id: eNB ID 157873 (0x268B1) Cell: 27 (0x1B) or Cell: 17 (0x11)

John H.

Verizon Employee
Skyking256, we do appreciate your patience with this matter. I have sent you a private Message. Please reply with the requested information.

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If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!


I called last week to complain about local tower problems (slow speeds for the last 6 weeks).

I went from 12-15 meg down to 1-3 meg. On a trip to Chattanooga last week. I had a download speed of 36 meg., so obviously no problem with phone ( mid-day high use area ).

I live on the top of a mountain three miles from the tower, very sparse population. I have 5bars of 4g LTE.

I had better results when the tower was 3g (the tower was upgraded in 2013).

My tower of concern is at 1810 S. Pittsburg Rd. 37375.


I have figured out how to solve my problem. I called T-Mobile and they have a plan with no slow down after the data cap. Good bye Verizon

Customer Service Rep


We never want to see our customers go. We are here to keep you as a loyal customer. I have sent you a private message. Please respond to that message. Thank you.


Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Customer Service Rep

We want to make sure you always have the best connection! Are you able to send a screen shot? KleoL_VZW

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If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!


Still slow.

On Jun 23, 2017 6:10 AM, "vzw_customer_support" <>

Customer Service Rep

This is not what we like to hear, ALTERED23. Let's get your service up and running as it should be. How many bars of signal do you consistently have? Are you frequently connected to Wi-Fi? Is it only data you are having issues with?


Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!


I always have 4-5 bars signal strength.

I am less than 3 miles from the tower.

I very rarely connect to wi-fi.

When I was in Chattanooga last week (high traffic area) I was getting 35 -


Meg speeds. I used to get 12 - 15 Meg at home. Now I get 2 - 5 Meg upload

but still 10 - 15 Meg download ? ? ?

My home tower is off Highway 156 in Marion county Tn.

On Jun 25, 2017 7:04 AM, "vzw_customer_support" <>

Customer Service Rep

I appreciate you taking time to troubleshoot with us. I would love the opportunity to run further diagnostics. I have sent you a Private Message so that we can take a closer look.


Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!


Still slow, it was down to .01 Mbps last night again for about an hour.


Did my thread get hijacked?

Community Leader
Community Leader

SKYKING256 wrote:

Did my thread get hijacked?

This is a public forum and anyone registered can reply. Another customer like yourself replied stating they had a similar experience and the VZW reps that roam this community have responded to your posts and the other customer's posts.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.