Thoughts and questions about my new Droid Eris
Newbie I have had my Eris for about three weeks now and I must say that i have had a hard time getting anything done because its my new companion!!  So far I havent had any real problems (knock on wood).  But I have noticed a lag when trying to do too many things at once but I now know not to try those things.  The battery doesnt seem as terrible as others have made it out to be..yes my Lg dare could go three days without needing a charge but it didnt need the battery to run as many of the processes that the Eris does so I just charge my Eris every night and figured out that mty GPS chager will fit my phone so I'm good for now.  Call quality and reception is not as good as my dare but again..this is something that I can live with.  I only have a few apps on my phone right now mainly because I install and uninstall others as needed.  One question that I do have about the widgets is what is the difference between the gmail (mailbox) widget and the gmail (envelope) widget?  They both seem to take me to my inbox and allow me to compose messages so I am a tad bit confused.  Also my HTC clock widget will sometimes display a moon when it is clearly sunny outside and vice versa..i've refreshed it a couple of times and it doesnt change...whats the deal?  One last question..what is the need to have multiple Scenes (htc, social, work, travel,etc)??

I think thats all my thoughts on the Eris for now!  Thanks in advance for any and all comments


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