After Lollipop service is lost until phone reboots, anyone else?
Enthusiast - Level 2

Prior to Lollipop upgrade on my Galaxy S4 I had service issues in my office, I would have to walk into hallway to send or receive texts or phone calls.  After the update I still don't have service in my office but I find when I walk into hall (even tried going outside) that my phone will never regain service again unless I reboot my phone.  Once I reboot I have 4G service with great reception.  Anyone else have this issue or know a fix?

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20 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

I am having this problem on my S3 Note.  I had a similar problem with 4.0.4 and earlier, where the G4/G3/X1 designation at the screen top would disappear, though I still had bars; this happened maybe once a week.  With 5.0 I lose all service and have to reboot, sometimes two or three times a day.  The phone doesn't get service a lot of time at home, or at work when I have to lock it in a metal cabinet; after such an occasion when I bring it to where a signal is strong, it continues to say "No service" or "Searching for service" and I must reboot.  This is bad.

Customer Service Rep
Wow that sounds interesting jbl_in_SE.AZ! You shouldn't have to put your phone in a metal cabinet to work! We will get this figured out. When did this start? Is anyone else having this issue in your area? Please remove SIM card from your phone for at least a minute and retry.
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If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!
Enthusiast - Level 3

Sorry, I didn't mean to mislead you.  I have poor reception at home and so service goes away.  And at work, I often have to place my phone in a metal cabinet (where it loses the signal) when I enter a restricted area.  When I remove it from the cabinet, it says "no service" and it doesn't come back till I restart.

I will try removing the battery and SIM card.  It will be a day or so before I know whether this has worked; so I can't mark this "answered" yet.  Thanks.

Customer Service Rep
Thank you for clearing that up for us jbl_in_SE.AZ! We want to make sure that you phone is working properly. Turning your phone off and then on just to get service does seem a bit annoying, however, I am glad that is working for you thus far. When was the software updated? What zip code are you currently in? Please try the step Amber provided and keep us updated.
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If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!
Enthusiast - Level 3

I live in 85610 but up in the foothills of the Dragoon Mountains mostly poor service (though it was good for a year or two, when its sudden improvement moved me to buy my first smart phone).  I work in 85635 and 85670.

I was updated to Android 5.0 (N900VVRUEOB6) on April 21, 2015 at 6:41pm (MST).

I have now unloaded the battery and SIM for a minute or more; if the problem appears fixed (I should know by tomorrow) I'll post here.  If not, I'll post here anyway.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I've tried removing the SIM card and re-installing but same issues continues to appear.  Colleague of mine has same phone also on Verizon and has same issue, he has found that he can go outside switch to Airplane mode, turn airplane mode back off and then will get service again.  Unfortunately this does not work on my phone.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I expect similar results.  Actually, I haven't removed the SIM yet because I haven't figured out how to get it out once the battery is removed.  I'll probably stop at the VZW store on the way home and get someone to show me. 🙂

Community Leader
Community Leader

jbl_in_SE.AZ wrote:

I haven't removed the SIM yet because I haven't figured out how to get it out once the battery is removed.

Press in on it and it should pop out a bit so that you can then remove it.

Remove the SIM Card Samsung Galaxy S 4 | Verizon Wireless

Sorry ... just noticed that you have the Note 3.  Here's how to remove the SIM:

Remove the SIM Card Samsung Galaxy Note 3 | Verizon Wireless

To be honest, removing the SIM from a Note 3 can be a pain sometimes.  One thing that worked for me was using the tweezer-looking tool that comes with the phone to remove the S-pen tips.  Gently (so as to not damage the gold contacts) squeeze the tweezers on the very edge of the SIM card and gently pull it out.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Thanks.  The "device specific" KB article I was given just said to slide the SIM out -- no picture.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Also ensure that network mode is set to LTE/CDMA and not Global.  If the settings are correct and a SIM pull doesn't help, you might try a new SIM card (they're free at your local Corporate VzW store or by contacting Customer Service).

Enthusiast - Level 3

I saw the LTE/CDMA suggestion elsewhere and have made that change also.  Thanks.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks tikibar1,  I checked and it did seem to switch my phone to Global after the lollipop update.  I will switch the LTE/CDMA and see if that fixes the issue.  Will keep everyone posted.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have the same issue galaxy note 3 have called Verizon numerous times they say signal in area is good verified by their technical staff I don't know what else to try.

Enthusiast - Level 1


I have the same exact issue you described in the original post.  Rebooting my phone multiple times each day when I leave my office is quite frustrating.

I have not tried removing the SIM card yet; however, I will try that and see what happens at work tomorrow.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I've been having to restart my phone after not having service for a while for it to regain signal as well. It is very very annoying. Something definitely ain't right about the lollipop update. My phone is the note 3. Switching to airplane mode doesn't work on mine either. You have to do a full restart sometimes twice.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have galaxy s4 and ever since the lolipop update I have to reboot phone 4-5 a day just to get 1bar of signal or any at all

Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm having the same issue. The lollipop parasite installed itself last Tuesday, no service since then. I have to reboot to get any signal, and don't have a signal at work where it was at least 3 "bars" before the update. Not to mention the god-awful colors (I feel like an 80's teen), horrible notifications on lock screen setting, the replacement of the notification bar with a "Verizon Wireless" ad (as if I didn't know my carrier...), lack of vibration modification, and general awful "improvements" that have been made. I just want to go back to KitKat. I've taken out the sim and battery which resulted in no change. THIS UPDATE IS HORRIBLE.

Enthusiast - Level 3

First report is good.  Thanks to tikibar1 I was able to remove the SIM and battery for a minute (hint - the Galaxy 4 knowlege-base page is much better than the Note 3 page).  I also changed from Global to LTE/CMDA mode.  (Later in the evening, when I was home and the signal was weak, it gave me a dialog box asking if I wanted to switch to Global, but it disappeared before I could check "don't ask me again"; it did not switch to Global.)

Result: this morning I received a text without doing anything, and when I drove into range of Tombstone I had full telephone and data (3G) service, without having had to restart my phone.  If it continues like this I will report again.  I may be a happy camper.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hope that works for you.  After switching over to LTE/CDMA it seems I don't lose my service connections as easily in my office but still within 1-2 hours I had the "x" above my reception bars.  Went outside for 10 minutes and phone could not find service.  Had to reboot again....  Seems this slowed down amount of time it takes for me to lose my connection but once it's lost still have to reboot to get it back.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Switching to LTE/CDMA seems to have fixed it for me.  The second time it gave me a "switch to global?" box I checked the "don't ask again" and hit "Cancel"; I've never been bothered again AND I haven't lost my connection to Verizon service AND it's still in LTE/CDMA.  So this is the answer that's worked for me.

     Regards / J