Android and Mac



Is the new Droid compatible with a Mac for syncing?  I need to be able to get emails and to sync my calendar and address book, in particular.  Itunes would be good too, but less critical.  Am having a horrendous time with trying to sync a bberry curve to my mac, so this would be a great replacement if it will work!



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3 Replies
Contributor - Level 2

It's really designed to sync with Google's applications, such as Contacts, Calendar, Maps, and Gmail. For this reason, I've started investing time updating all this info through Google so I only have to do it in one place. I don't know about the iTunes part. You may be able to sync to your music library somehow, but you'll probably have to use a different app to do it.

Contributor - Level 1

As noted, the Droid doesn't sync with a computer, per se. It syncs with Gmail, Google Calendar, etc. I moved everything to Google when I had a Blackberry because, at the time, RIM had not good syncing solution but Google Sync for Blackberry worked perfectly. It requires a bit of a shift in how you do things but, after using them for a while, I find I like Google calendar better than iCal. I always hated Address Book anyway.


I've used a couple of different programs to move music to my Droid: Sailing Media Manager, Doubletwist and something I can't remember the name of. I'd say Sailing Media Manager is probably the best. Transferring music is really the only time I ever connect my Droid to my Mac.


Best of luck.

I actually sync my Mac's calendar and address book with my Google account, and that syncs with my Droid. I also sync it with my Yahoo account. For e-mails, I sync my Droid directly with my Yahoo, Google and Cox accounts. I used Doubletwist to sync iTunes songs. It can also sync my movies. But bear in mind that it only syncs songs which are not DRM protected. The same goes for movies.