Enthusiast - Level 1

When is Verizon going to add REAL tough phones? Like the ulefone armor 3wt? This is the phone I want, just wish it had a better camera, and wireless charging, and Android 10. Screen could be a lil larger, but Verizon only picks phones that are basic, or unusable for wilderness, outdoor use.... Sonim , is only good for first responders, Kyocera is out dated, and Verizon doesn't have any good tough phones. Ulephone armor 3wt has a 10,000+ battery... What about working with CAT to bring the new version of the CAT S61 ( CAT S62 ) to Verizon.... Come on, I'm bout ready to go to Union wireless just to have a real tough phone. And I've been with Verizon before smart phones ever came out, they only had flip phones, I even still have it in a drawer... I've been waiting for Verizon to get off their butts since the CAT S60 came out. In store reps know nothing about phones here, or what MIGHT be compatible. It doesn't seem like Verizon cares about what there customers want anymore as long as they make more of a profit.... I've brought this up in the past, many times. Verizon has the best coverage in my opinion, bit the worst in phone options and in store representative knowledge. If I don't see better phone options available, I'm moving on,,,  coverage isn't anything if I cant get phones I like. Is this going to be remedied anytime within the next year?????

10 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

You could also be sending your request to those manufacturers to have them pay for getting their products certified as BYOD phones. 

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

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Community Leader

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Good point, but Verizon picks and chooses what they want. Even when you bring your own phone, they tell you it won't work when even the manufacturer of the phone gives the specs of that phone, and it has the frequencies that Verizon supports. And wanting to be 100% sure before you buy a phone, and spend money, you want to be sure it works. So, by contacting Verizon, to do so, and then being told that phone won't work, and they can't guarantee it will work, is a line from the Monopoly that Verizon plays. Even when the lte frequencies support it would work on Verizon. Verizon just doesn't want people adding phones, they try to push you to buy from them. Since I've written this post, I've decided after my phone through Verizon is paid off, I'm going to straight talk. The main phone I want, which won't work on Verizon, I believe it is a gsm phone , cat s61. I'd rather do that, than work with Verizon any longer. And my wife and I have been with Verizon since before smart phones, and just makes me mad they won't work with a long term customer to try to look into other phones with that customer that may work on their Network. I don't know how many times I've contacted Verizon to make sure a phone would work or not, and I'm not spending money on a phone unless I'm 100% sure it's going to work. Straight talk may not be the best service, but at least I can use what I want, and they work with you on what might. Cat s61 is ranked the top tough phone, and I've checked a few others through Verizon. But with it being ranked 1 in tough phones, I know it will work on straight talk. So, that's what I'm going with. You would just think Verizon would like to keep their long term customers. We still have the first flip phone we had ever gotten through Verizon. It still has some pics on it we can't get moved to another phone. Or, I'd throw it away... Thanks

Enthusiast - Level 1

I agree, Verizon is the most irritating company when it comes to the simple thing of just getting a phone you want.  If I had a different carrier I could buy a phone anywhere and just put a sim card in it and off I go.  I got a CAT S61 a few days ago, knowing it was a gamble, but as you said, it has all the same 4G LTE frequencies that Verizon uses, so I was hoping I could somehow get it to work.  With the sim card from my old keyocera brigadier it will hook up to the 4G network and even shows its on Verizon.  I can use data, surf the net, install updates, check email.  I can send a text and my wife gets it instantly, but I never receive any texts, and I cant send or receive any calls.  So its basically a tablet.  I havent tried taking it to the local verizon shop to see if they can get it working, Im not very hopeful, like you say, most of them are not very helpful, and if you havnt been able to figure it out on your own, they most likely cant help you.  They will just look up the phone and say "yep, thats not compatible, sorry".  Even thou it obviously connects to the network just fine.  The only "tough" phone I even see on their site now is the Keyocera DuraForce,  I thought I wanted one till I saw it in the store, its about the size of a brick.  When I saw it in the store and put my old Keyocera Brigadier next to the new DuraForce, I about fell over, I dont know how I am supposed to fit that brick in my pocket.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Then go back to CAT and ask them to get the phone certified for use on the Verizon Wireless network. The phone may have the frequencies, but if it doesn't also have the VoLTE capabilities, then you're right it is basically a 4G LTE tablet. 

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Customer Service Rep

We always want to see you have the best experience on our network with the right device for your needs. Does the IMEI show as eligible via 



Specialist - Level 3

Verizon isn't the carrier for you if you want cheap Chinese smartphones. Do yourself a favor and use solid cases instead. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

I personally have had the Blackview BV8900 (I believe it was this had thermal imaging) on verizon, it worked but my Ulefone had better signal. The Ulefone Armor 7 smartphone, it was great! Until I dropped it just right and shattered the screen..

And at the time the only places I could get a new screen was India and the UK and one wouldn't ship here to FL and the other refused to respond back to me.

Iv read were some people have brought over there Ulefones and Cat phones but you might not have a 3G or 2G signal in some cases.

Iv owned a CAT S60, loved the phone! I sent and email to CAT asking them to incorporate it where we could use verizon.

I bought my phone brand new through them and they would send emails and updates and would want feedback on what they could do to better the phones.

I thought it was pretty neat I mentioned and I'm sure others did too but an Air quality sensor.

I do environmental work at active gas station and old gas station cleaning up petroleum spills, and we are to monitor the air coming out of the ground and the trailer we work in, also inside the stores.

Having the air sensor is a nice just in case, I wouldn't trust it with my life but its there.

But onwards to my point Cat mentioned they were looking into where they could bring there phones over to newer phones over to verizon.

As of right now I believe they only have 1 Cat phone that works on Verizon, I believe it's the CAT S40...

Enthusiast - Level 1

Did you hove to do anything to get the blackview or ulefone to work? What do you have now?

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We are always adding more devices to our network! You can check your device compatibility with this link If you have any further questions or concerns. Please don't hesitate to send us a Private Note, so we can further assist you.
