Battery issues with Kyocera Brigadier after system update
Enthusiast - Level 2

My battery life on a Kyocera Brigadier used to be awesome (2-3 days or so with a lot of use).

Then it did a 'system update'  on 10/30, and all of the settings for the background changed. I used to have white type in a black background, which was great when driving at night as I frequently do. I now have black type in a white background. It also added this "Verizon Rewards" feature that is always on in my notifications window, which is freaking annoying. I can't figure out how to get rid of it. Really Verizon? I really need a constant advertisement from you, when I'm paying for the phone?

It also changed the google window on my home screen to the new logo, but it's twice the size as before.

I then found out that my Verizon web email was constantly synching . I think this may be why everyone is having this short battery life issue, but I'm not sure.

After the update, the email did not have a synch setting turned on. I could see that it was synching constantly by the indicator at the top of the screen. I set it to 30 minutes and restarted my phone. I rechecked it about 5 minutes later and it was still synching. I then turned the auto synch 'off' and I'm going to wait to see the effect.

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14 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I am seeing the same thing with the Brigadier after the system upgrade to Lollipop 5.1.1. One of the best parts about this phone was battery life. It's so bad right now when I'm connected via USB to a desktop to transfer files the charging is just enough to maintain the battery at the current level.

I tried rebooting but that didn't help.

I tried wiping the cache partition and that didn't help.

I tried a factory reset late last night. This morning battery was severely drained while I was asleep and the Email app again was the largest consumer of battery. I also tried reducing sync time and turned it off this morning.

The email address I use through that app isn't my primary. I sent myself an email after setting sync to "Never" yet the email still popped up even though I didn't refresh my inbox.

I removed the only email I had setup in that app to see if that helps. I tried disabling the app in the Application Manager (Settings -> Application Manager -> All -> Email) but the disable button was disabled. Just cleared app data instead to see if that helps. Hopefully they fix it because that's only a temp fix if it works.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Definitely the Email app. After removing the email account in that app and clearing the app data battery life has been great. It's been almost 6 hours since I last charged my phone and it was just sitting on my desk while I was doing other things and I still have over 90% battery

Hopefully someone reads this and fixes the email app.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Same here. I used to go from 6 am to 9:30pm on about 50% battery with that much remaining. It's now 7 PM and at 23%. It drains 4% an hour just sitting there idle with the screen off.  Need a fix, please!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Apparently there is no "edit" available to your own posts… .advanced website isn't it? I wanted to add that the battery drain began after I did the 5.1.1 Update last night.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm having the same issues. It was only off the charger for an hour and a half before it was at 10%. Had to turn it off to be able to charge it any. Really would like an update to the update soon Verizon !

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same issue hear! This phone had a great battery life before I performed the upgrade yesterday. Our company has 40 of these phone's. This is a major issue! Also the update disabled our corporate email account so, no emails to our phones!

UGH! I hope this issue is fixed ASAP! Feeling violated

Enthusiast - Level 2

I did the update this morning.  Big mistake. 

Battery was dead by noon.  Used to go a few days.

Keeps telling me over and over that it has updated the same application.


Enthusiast - Level 1

Same problem.  I deleted all info from the email app as was stated above.  Seems better already. 
I will be searching for another email app, but at least my battery isn't dead in 10 hours.

Enthusiast - Level 2

It isn't only the native Android email app. Mine has no accounts set up (why can't you disable it, VZW?). I use AquaMail Pro (excellent) and yesterday it was the battery eating champ at 28%. Today it was still champ but at 20%. I did turn off the continuous scanning for wifi networks (Settings->>Wifi-->>Menu (thre dots, top right corner)-->>Advanced and turn off Scanning always available. That seemed to help today. 46% now vs. 35% yesterday. I just changed the Network Mode, Settings-->>More->>Cellular Networks->>Network Mode, and change it from Global to LTE/CDMA. I'm thinking that will turn off the GSM radio. I'll see if that helps and/or causes problems tomorrow.

I thought VZW Support monitored thes forums…

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same issue here...after deleting the account from the native email app, battery life seems normal again. Need a fix for this!

Additionally, for whatever reason every time I've rebooted the phone, the chrome app does load until I first delete it from the task manager screen. After that it seems to work great.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I was in the same boat as most of you.  I always charged my Brigadier over night and it usually had 40-50 % charge when I plugged it in.  The day after my 5.1.1 upgrade I had to recharge by lunch time.  It was clearly the email app eating up the battery.  I've spent over a week searching this board plus numerous others.  Lots of Android users are complaining about this.  I have 4 e-mail accounts on my phone.  Two gmail accounts and two pop3 Roadrunner accounts.  I didn't realize until yesterday that you can add multiple accounts to the Gmail app on the phone, including pop3 or IMAP.  I deleted the 4 accounts from the native app I had always used and added them all to the Gmail app.  I also cleared the data and cache from the native app.  Right now, my phone has been off the charger for 3 hours and I'm sitting at 98% charge.  I think I may have resolved my battery drain problem. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

Great suggestion gburke837.  I added my pop email to the Gmail app and deleted the native app.   Keeping my fingers crossed!

Only gripe was there didn't seem to be a way to copy the messages out of my sent folder for the native app, Googling that issue shows there is apparently no way to do that, it's a long standing feature request.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm betting you will be happy, other than the sent mail issue.  Can't help there.  Right now it has been 12 hours since I took my phone off charge and I have 77% power left.  I've probably made a half dozen calls and listened to Pandora for 2-3 hours.  I don't have anything to complain about now.  I've had wifi and bluetooth running all day and I had turned them off before trying to save power.  I may even be better off than before the upgrade. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

I wanted to thank you for coming up with a work around.  The gmail fixed the battery usage andmy phone is working normally again