Can't make in app purchase more than $20
Enthusiast - Level 1

I play Game of War and use my Verizon acct to make in app purchases. I have a $100 limit. As long as my purchase is $20 or less I have no problem. When I try to make a larger purchase, I'm given a message that the purchase has exceedes my limit. It hasn't! I have purposefully NOT purchased anything for over 30 days. This includes my billing cycle and buying cycle. I have contacted MZ, Verizon and Google. NONE of them have any idea what's going on. Does anybody have a clue?! I'm using an Edge 7.

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5 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Have you considered using Google Play Store credit instead?

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Well, yes, I have.  And I thank you for the suggestion, however, this is not how I choose to pay for my purchases.  I asked Verizon if they could convert my credit amount to a google play card, though.  It just seems odd that something that appears so simple can confound 3 big corporations/companies. They are all stymied.  I figured someone here may have had the same problem.

Community Leader
Community Leader

You can purchase Google Play gift cards in multiple stores.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Champion - Level 3

Google does not have to allow you to bill to your VZW account. They could REQUIRE that you use a CC or purchase a Google Play Gift Card to load to your account. If it is not playing nicely, maybe there is something on Google's end that won't authorize.

Customer Service Rep

It's important tot us that you are able to spend as much money as you please on this great game, AngieDawne44 and I'd be happy to help you today. All of the details you have provided us will be very helpful in determining a solution. We appreciate your patience.

Just for clarification, does the phone and app have the newest update applied? Have you attempted to uninstall the app and download it again to test the purchases? When did this issue begin? Please provide a few additional details and we will be ready to continue helping.

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