Casio Commando - Facebook for Android issue
Enthusiast - Level 2
I recently purchased the Casio Commando for Verizon Wireless.  I downloaded the Facebook for Android application from the market and was very disappointed to learn that I am unable to sync my Facebook to my phone/contacts.  I called Verizon Tech support who informed me that there was a software update in the works to correct the issue and allow the sync to take place in the "applications & sync" menu of the settings.  Is this accurate and if so when will this be rolled out?  Will it be for future phones only or will it correct the issue with phones already purchased?  Will the update make the phone operate like other smartphones in regards to the Facebook sync?  If this feature is not available, I intend on returning the phone.  Any information you have will be very helpful.
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7 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I too would like to know when there will be an update to make this functionality work.  I'm in the same boat - VZW has around a week to fix this issue, or the phone goes back to the store.

Verizon Employee



We are aware of this issue.  Non-Verizon Wireless branded applications, such as Social Beat, cannot sync Facebook contacts.  Third party Facebook applications will also have the same issue.  We are working to resolve this application issue; hopefully this will be resolved soon. 


Thank you in advance for your patience. 

Is there any update on the fix?
Enthusiast - Level 2

Still interested in an update... did verizon give up on trying to fix the issue?

Verizon... did you seriously give up on this fix????? Please allow me to uninstall Social Beat! I paid full price for my phone 6 months ago and it is still important to me that I be able to sync Facebook.
VZ Employee Emeritus

krantanen, I understand your concern and the concern of the community regarding this issue. I use facebook a lot with my device so I know this is frustrating to deal with. I would like to apologize for not receiving any further information about this issue. After research of the issue and multiple reports from customers, I show that our product team can confirm the Commando does not support facebook contact sync.

Enthusiast - Level 1

So its May 2012 and the Casio G'zone Commando still has the BIG issue of not being able to sync contacts with Facebook.  You know its pretty sad that Verizon cannot just come out and say that it cannot be fixed.  Had I known that this was an issue up front then I would have been cool with this short coming...but I spent a bunch of time trying to figure this out only to find with some internet searches that this is an ongoing problem.  Just own up and tell your customers that this is a short coming of the device and it is what it is and Verizon cannot fix a little software glitch.  I can download software into a Volvo and fix all kinds of guys cannot fix a simple software app.?