Deactivate Samsung Gear 2 from contract?

So I got one of the Samsung Gear 2 watches from the Samsung S7 Promotion they were running when you preordered. Now that my device is not being used, I was hoping to take it off the bill. But all I get is for billing options is to disable and continue being billed. Now this watch is tied to the same data plan as my phones, so I wish to keep it the plan, and just not get charged the extra amount roughly 7 dollars. How can I do that? I feel its kinda an exploit they did to get more money out of you for getting a free watch. I wouldn't of activated it through them if I knew I was signing a contract for a watch of 5 dollars for a year.

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You have to call customer service at 1-800-922-0204 or visit a corporate store to cancel the line associated with the Gear watch.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Champion - Level 3

You will also be charged some sort of Early Termination Fee which may be more expensive than paying for the monthly service until the contract is over. All the promotion details stated that you must activate the device on a 2 yr agreement in order to get it for free. If you don't want to pay for the service then you can cancel the line. I don't know how the watch functions but my guess is once you cancel the line and disconnect it from the LTE network it won't function fully if at all.


Wow Verizon is very good at scamming people. I was offered a free Samsung Gear S2 smartwatch with the purchase of my Samsung Galaxy 7 Edge. They said it wouldn't cost me a thing. Next bill there's a $5 or $10 monthly charge on my bill for the watch....that's not that much money to pay but the fact they didn't even tell me I would be charged monthly for it really upset me. On top of that, I hardly ever use my watch anymore so I figured I could just cancel the watch off my plan and sell my watch...well they also didn't tell me by getting the watch free, a 2 year contract on the watch comes with it. So now if I want to cancel the watch off my plan, I have to pay a termination fee! From what I've read that termination fee is $350!?!? What a bunch of [Removed]

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Champion - Level 3

CASKOK39 wrote:

Wow Verizon is very good at scamming people. I was offered a free Samsung Gear S2 smartwatch with the purchase of my Samsung Galaxy 7 Edge. They said it wouldn't cost me a thing. Next bill there's a $5 or $10 monthly charge on my bill for the watch....that's not that much money to pay but the fact they didn't even tell me I would be charged monthly for it really upset me. On top of that, I hardly ever use my watch anymore so I figured I could just cancel the watch off my plan and sell my watch...well they also didn't tell me by getting the watch free, a 2 year contract on the watch comes with it. So now if I want to cancel the watch off my plan, I have to pay a termination fee! From what I've read that termination fee is $350!?!? What a bunch [Removed]

Did you read the contract before signing it?

The device may not have cost you anything but to activate the service you must pay for a line. Plain and simple.