Echo on outbound calls when on Home Network Extender

Hello, I'm having serious trouble making outbound calls. Someone in my neighborhood has a network extender.  I get this little house with curvy lines above it that indicate that I'm connected to it while in the basement.  about 80% of the time I make an outbound call it will last from 2-10 seconds, before the other person's end drops, and I hear a perfect echo of my voice. It doesn't sound like an echo though, it's like myself talking back to me. It has about a 1 second delay.  This has happened on 3 different phones over the last 6 months and sometimes takes over 5 calls to finally connect and have it go through and be stable. 

Has anyone else experienced this?  Is there a way to opt out of a network extender and make my phone only connect to towers?  It's killing me and I need to figure this out as I am about to start up a business and will be making most of my calls from the basement. Thank you!

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1 Reply
Master - Level 2

Yeah if they white list their own numbers but you may still need a network extender to offset theirs