Even Verizon's Own Employees Had Problems With Trade-In System
Enthusiast - Level 3

Zach: Can I offer you a personal suggestion?

Visitor: i'm going to talk to a lot of people tomorrow

Zach: Not necessarily the VZW suggestion but from one person to another?

Visitor: sure

Zach: Call the 877-247-3846 number (the trade in program support center) and ask to speak to a manager and escalate the issue through them. Have them give you a timeline on when to expect an answer. If that timeline is not met, then escalate again. I've had to do this, I don't tell a lot of customers that because it doesn't look good but I think it's important in this conversation that you know that I have been through the exact same situation.

Visitor: Alright thank you Zach

Zach: And I was able to get it resolved after about a month from the time I sent it in but it took me having to follow up. I hate that you may have to do the same thing and I hope you have an easier experience than I did... my situation was almost two years ago so I expect that to be better and I hope it is for you

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