Finally Marshmallow is here, now how do I go back to LP?

So right off the bat, after updating to Android 6.0, I see a few issues.

First is the battery life is awful.. i'm getting about 4 - 5 hours, where I used to get 10 - 11 with my usage.

Second is everything is laggy and stuttering, especially any game that requires the GPU (such as SimCity). Every few seconds the game pauses for about 250mS - 500mS, essentially making it unplayable.

Last is load times for large apps (usually games) now takes at least two times as long.

I don't use any of the new features, so I really don't have anything positive to report on the new update.

Extremely frustrating and disappointing considering the phone ran flawlessly with relatively good battery life before this update.

Does anyone know if there is a way to go back?

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10 Replies

You JUST got the update. How can you possibly measure battery life?  What new features?  It was more a security update than an overhaul. You can't go back.


I got it early yesterday morning.

Advanced calling, doze mode, and direct share are some of the new features.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I'm having the same problem. 

The reason is that the phone operating system is taking 1.1 GB of my 2.3GB of memory. 

That's measured AFTER a battery out reboot.  After using it for awhile, I find that I have less than 500MB free memory available, because there is about 700-900MB cached.  That is unreasonable.  I'm going to have to find an appkiller. 

I've checked the battery usage:  it is also about 90% background apps I DON'T USE.  Please allow me to disable the stupid and ugly weather:  I DON'T USE IT. 

Plus, the wretched update bricked my phone, and I had to do a factory reset.  5 days later, and I'm still not recovered.  The Verizon TS guy I talked to said that the LG G4 update was bad, and there have been a lot of reports of problems requiring factory reset.  He said to wait a couple of weeks, and there should be another one to fix the problems.

Specialist - Level 1

if you go to settings > data usage > scroll til you find the offending app > tap the app > restrict background data

then go to settings > find application manager > swipe to the "All" heading > locate the offending apps > disable

Enthusiast - Level 3

Yeah, did that.  I've disabled all the apps I can, but you can't disable Weather, News, email, Message+ and a lot of other "system" apps that I don't use. My Kindle doesn't even work, and its running in the background.  I've restricted background data, but it doesn't actually do anything until you check the little box in the menu, and then it puts a snide notification "warning" icon that you can't get rid of.  I have a limited data plan, so I'm always trying to prevent stuff from running.  With my Droid2 I had to run an appkiller just to keep it from crashing.

Specialist - Level 1

sounds like your favorite apps need developer updates to function more efficiently on the new OS

Enthusiast - Level 1

I would check for updates to your apps, then clear out your cache, and  do several reboots.... I always do that after an upgrade and has always served me well!!


Yea, I thought the same, which I did try.

Didn't help.

Enthusiast - Level 2

There is no way back.  Let it settle.  After a day or two, if you feel it is not performing as it should, perform a factory data reset.  I've done this after most upgrades and the device performance is very noticeably improved.


Well my thought was along the same lines as you.

So last night I tried to factory reset. It seems to have improved boot up speed (which was taking a few minutes).

Everything else is the same, no improvement. Battery life is still terrible compared to before, loading some apps is still taking up to a couple of minutes (where they used to be 30 seconds or so), and there's still a lot of stuttering and lagging throughout.