Gizmo Watch Wont Power Up-Nothing but charge works
Enthusiast - Level 2

All of a sudden my sons Gizmo watch wont come back on.  For about a month prior it kept shutting down for no reason when he was talking, but when we took it off charge this AM nothing!  No sound, buttons don't work, screen blank and you cannot call it.  The ONLY thing you see is when you put it on charge (or press one of the 2 buttons at the bottom), you see the light blue background come on with the orange lightening bolt.  I have tried a regular charge, trickle charge and used a neighbors cord just to see if it was ours, nothing.  

I have tried all the easy stuff, and Verizon said they don't know and to buy another!  Really these are not cheap for a 10yr old.  This is 1.5yrs old and our child takes really good care of it we have the case, better wrist band etc. We charge it every night.  PLEASE HELP!

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  • LG

1 Reply

Did you ever get any further resolution on this?  My son’s did the same thing today & we’ve had it less than a month & has been very careful/cautious with it.