If Verizon does not allow Nexus 5, unlocked, on the network I will no longer be a Verizon customer
Enthusiast - Level 1

Verizon, I will no longer be a Verizon customer if you do not allow an unlocked Nexus 5 on your network.  I will also encourage everyone I know to drop service with you.

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89 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Great analogy.  It goes a step further, as they would say 'this Dell that we had built for us, because it is 'secure' with our awesome unheardofantivirusprogram that is way better than anything you could buy online.'

In specific I draw attention to VZ Navigator and other Verizon apps, none of which are better than either default google applications, or those you could get for free or at a low price on the Play store.  This is their fall back reason on why they will not allow a device on their network that they do not sell, because it is not 'approved' or 'secure' to work on their network.


I'm out of here unless the horrific nexus, phone and plan policies doesn't change in the next month...

Contributor - Level 2

Yeah, it won't change.  And i highly doubt it will hurt their bottom line.  I wish it would, but it won't.

Enthusiast - Level 1

There's not much more that I can add except that I am also leaving for this phone. It's a shame that verizon doesn't want my money. Perhaps I can convince AT&T to take it.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I just ordered a Nexus 5 and a TMobile sim and will be trying them out for a month.  Assuming their service is at the very least passable I'm kicking Verizon to the curb for both my lines.


i like verizon i had a cell phone on my moms plan from bout 2005 to late 2011ish and my own plan tell now from then i had only 1 bad thing happen to me and i don't know if it'll so happen  for the past 8 or so years i had cell phones i am on now my 69th cell phone most phones about 80% of them or so from software bugs they could not help with so i re-bought new phones most of the 69 cells bout 65 off contact so i paid out 500+ for ea, other than that i love verizon but i do want the nexus 5 but if i can't get it oh well why make big deal out of it verizon has to follow there own rules that they made witch can mess them up  and in order not to make a loss they may need to keep some cells off or maybe other things are going on no 1 who does not work for them will know why but i am a small guy who does not know much about this so i don't really know

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jpcfanfics89 wrote:

i like verizon i had a cell phone on my moms plan from bout 2005 to late 2011ish and my own plan tell now from then i had only 1 bad thing happen to me and i don't know if it'll so happen  for the past 8 or so years i had cell phones i am on now my 69th cell phone most phones about 80% of them or so from software bugs they could not help with so i re-bought new phones most of the 69 cells bout 65 off contact so i paid out 500+ for ea, other than that i love verizon but i do want the nexus 5 but if i can't get it oh well why make big deal out of it verizon has to follow there own rules that they made witch can mess them up  and in order not to make a loss they may need to keep some cells off or maybe other things are going on no 1 who does not work for them will know why but i am a small guy who does not know much about this so i don't really know

What the heck are you doing to go through 69 cell phones in EIGHT years? I have had six phones in ten years.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


i did a lot i myself don't know why i do this


I have been waiting to get a new phone, waiting for the right one.  I love my Galaxy Nexus, but am disappointed by the sluggishness that it has been having as of late.  When the Nexus 5 had been leaked I knew that was the one that I wanted.  Oct. 31st I jumped on Google Play and purchased a 32gb white version!   Excited by the arrival of my new phone I jumped on to the web and noticed that everyone was talking about how upset they were that the Nexus 5 was not compatible with Verizon's network...

I became paranoid, as I blindly bought the phone WITHOUT this knowledge!  I had no idea that Google and Verizon were at odds.  I sent an email to Google and they said that I would not be able to connect the phone to Verizon's network.  I just talked to Verizon, and they were unable to confirm its compatibility without a MEID (or something like that) number... 

Problem is I don't have the phone in hand to give it to them, and even if I had already received the package, UPS will not ship back the phone if I open the package.... Guess I'll just have to take Google's word for it and send the phone back.

I would leave Verizon to a competing company if it weren't for having a grandfathered unlimited plan...

What is the best phone to get now that I cant have the Nexus 5?  Without having to go to Apple's iPhone?

Enthusiast - Level 3

Lg g2 imo

Enthusiast - Level 3

I can assure you, the N5 will not work on Verizon. As for getting a new phone, if you can pay full price, then yes, G2 is looking pretty good. I would try it out in a store first, because the rear volume controls are not for everyone. However, I would encourage you to explore used phones. I picked up a used Samsung Galaxy S4 for $360 from swappa dot com. You definitely want a phone made within the last 6 months in order to take advantage of AWS (LTE band 4). Galaxy S4 just had a firmware release that enables AWS. People are seeing craaazy speeds.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I think you are missing the point. Network speeds have never been an issue

with Verizon, not for me at least. The issue at hand here is that Verizon

does not provide ANY option for people who want a bloat free experience.

They can't say it subsidizes the cost of the device because they aren't

providing the device if you bought it directly from Google. This is an

extremely important point for many people. People who came to Verizon

initially because they were offering higher end Android devices.

But Verizon still has not provided me with the experience I am after for

many years and I've had it. I have lost all faith in them. I have had

buyers remorse on my last 2 devices. This is a terrible feeling for someone

who enjoys gadgets. I'm not going to pay their exorbitant prices and not

get exactly what I want anymore.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Not missing the point at all, I was responding to someone who asked what phone he should get instead of the N5. And speeds on AWS are much better than LTE band 13. And if you don't want bloat, you could always do that thing that if I say its name, will get my post censored. This is particularly relevant if you buy a second hand device, since the warranty will already be void anyway.

Enthusiast - Level 3


Can you send private messages on here?

Enthusiast - Level 3

I'd keep it and leave VZW.  I'm just waiting on the reviews to come in on the N5 to make sure it doesn't have similar issues to the Galaxy Nexus (which I also have).

Enthusiast - Level 2

Concerning the NEXUS 5/7 and Verizon Wireless

VZW is protecting their revenue stream. If it did not provide such good coverage in the areas that I travel and if I didn’t have a grandfathered unlimited data plan I would be long gone. When I need a new(er) phone I guess I will have to buy a used one and do the nasty to it, because I will NEVER pay the prices for an off contract phone that VZW demands.

The technology of smartphones is very mature and the prices off contract should be no more than what Google is getting for the NEXUS 5. VZW and the rest of them are just playing us all for fools. Buy a new phone on contract, and if lucky, you will get one upgrade to the operating system, long after it is available to NEXUS users, because the carriers have to put all their bloatware on the new release. Then when the next Android OS comes out you get, "Sorry, you'll have to upgrade to a new phone."

Let me buy the phone I want with the features I want at a competitive price. When the FCC OKs it for use on the system you prefer, you should be able buy a sim, choose a data plan and go your merry way. It works in Europe.

In the US the lawmakers don't give a (removed) about you and me, just the wealthy and their campaign contributions. We all have to put down our Plants and Zombies and start putting pressure on our congress people to work for us for a change. We sell the spectrum to the wireless companies to enable them to do their business and they play fast and loose with the agreements they sign.

The Nexus 7/5 kerfuffle can be blamed on both Google and VZW. Google could have put into these devices the radio band that handles the main VZW LTE band. They did put in the band that VZW is moving to, the one that VZW promised the FCC would be open to all qualified equipment. That promise was made because Google put financial pressure on VZW by bidding for the spectrum themselves. Good for them.

But today Google doesn’t want to go to the mats with VZW, maybe because VZW is such a big customer. VZW will never change its business plan until we make its current one less profitable.

We’ve heard some half-hearted throw-away lines about Google and VZW working together on some new products for 2014. Google, if it’s more of the same old, same old no one will care.

Sell us a decent phone at a fair price, unlocked and sell the data service at a fair price. Gouging is not going to work much longer. We need cell towers across the country, available and usable by anyone who wants to get into the data selling/reselling business. Let us choose the best service at the price we determine is fair. My father-in-law wouldn’t use or appreciate faster connections with lots of data; his phone is for making calls, maybe checking the weather. I want the fastest connection I can afford, either unlimited or metered at a fair price.

As the old saw goes, “The Future is Now”; we are battling against old-fashioned business models, business models that have been formed by decades of the rich making sure they stay rich and get richer. The millionaires and billionaires of new tech need to use their new clout and wealth to help effect the changes needed to provide the new utility of global inter-connectivity to all. Whether voice, text or video, data connections are what electricity, drinking water and sanitation was for generations past. Those utilities made life safer and easier, while providing new opportunities. The widespread penetration of these utilities could only be accomplished with the cooperation of the people, business, and local, regional and national governments.

Make a difference. Email, text, call, write snail mail letters to your representatives, to the CEOs of these corporations, to the FCC.

Vote with your feet, walk away from businesses like VZW if they are taking your money but not serving your interests.

Let Google know you are not appreciative of how they are dealing with VZW. Tell them you will use their services, but you will restrict as much of your information from Google as possible. Use an ad blocker. When you Google something don’t click on the sponsored link at the top or right side of the page, scroll down the page and find the unsponsored search result and use it instead.

Google, don’t be evil isn’t quite the same as work for the good of as many as possible.


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Enthusiast - Level 1

Well said! I'll be voting with my feet as soon as my next contract is up. I don't get how VZW can justify subsidizing Apple so heavily with no control over them, yet won't allow us to use off-contract phones and allow us to further subsidize other customers.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Because back when the iphone came to Verizon, it dominated the smartphone market, so Apple had a lot of leverage. Nexus devices are a relatively small fraction of the Android market. We just have to hope that changes so that Google will have more leverage over the like of VZW.

Enthusiast - Level 3

the challenge will always be that Verizon has special drivers to gain access to their network. Verizon is very slow (RESISTS) updating their phones. So, a Nexus on Vzw will always be last to get update, if at all. The Galaxy Nexus still hasn't gotten 4.3 and probably never will. Vzw is like any huge corp. like IBM, eventually they get so huge they are afraid to upgrade devices and have a problem. It's at iceberg speed, like IBM or the government because there's just no profit in updating phones.

Samsung leveraged Vzw with the Galaxy S4. They said either you accept our one-world-phone design OR you don't get the phone at all. Big (removed) over there in Korea now that they have market share. Consumers just won't understand why they need updates or "pure google". Remember, consumers are mostly afraid of change and don't like their phone "updating" on them.

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It really should work - I was able to get Nexus 5 to connect to verizon wireless's network but could not make calls or access the internet.

But check this out - It looks like it should work. Nexus 5 is designed to work on Verizon Wireless, and most other networks


@Stevep2007 . This is because mentioned above "the challenge will always be that Verizon has special drivers to gain access to their network. " Although the chipset/radio the nexus 5 uses may be compatible with the Verizon's network frequencies is will not work because the drivers (software) that are needed to communicate with those frequencies are not installed. You're best bet is to find someone on XDA forums to port a Verizon driver from the G2 (as it uses the same chipset) to the Nexus 5.
