LG G5 My speaker phone stopped working while on a calls
Enthusiast - Level 1

My speaker phone stopped working, It goes on and I can hear others but they cannot hear me when I talk, It has not been dropped or gotten wet just stopped working out of the blue one day, I have reset the phone, turned it off and left it off for awhile and neither worked

Any other options I can try to get this working again ??

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2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

JENNAFRMI, this sounds like you are having a one-sided conversation. Let's get both sides of your calls working again. What happens when you put your call on speakerphone? Are you able to record your voice on the "Voice Recorder" app? Does this happen on all calls?

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Enthusiast - Level 1

Yes a one sided conversation lol I can record on the voice recorder and it works fine but when I am on a call and turn the speaker phone on , I can hear them but they cannot hear me and yes it happens on all calls. I took the battery out to make sure there was nothing stuck in there or anything stuck on the mic and all was clear so I am lost at what the problem could be but I really really need that speaker phone to work, I rely on it too much