LG V30 camera roll showing...
Enthusiast - Level 3

I have go into the settings and turned off "camera roll" and yet when I go to take a picture  be it from the camera or other apps (i.e. messaging, gallery, etc.) The filmstrip is still down and in the way of seeing a full view of what I'm taking a picture of.  How can I shut it off on ALL apps?


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8 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We want you to be able to what you are taking a picture of Darly. Have you restarted your phone since you changed the feature? Are you going into your camera setting to turn off camera roll?



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If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

Yes, the phone has been turned off and yes the camera roll is off. This is

what i'm talking about...

If I want to take a picture or attach one in a text, etc., I don't have a

full screen to view what I'm photographing. The ribbon

shown is in the way and it does it on several apps, not just one

particular. See attached.


On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 3:16 PM, vzw_customer_support <

Enthusiast - Level 3

Well, if I do a screenshot it removes the pictures I'm talking about.  That's why we took a picture of it.  Problem.gif

Enthusiast - Level 3

This ribbon is in the way of seeing the full viewing are. 

Master - Level 2

Yeah, I tried on my V30 to show the "Camera roll" by going into settings.

It worked. I shut it off. That worked too.

What's strange, is my icons for the camera don't appear like yours. My settings for flash and the like are at the top, and there are more. My button for taking a photo or video is different than yours.

Did you take an update for the device? Do you have one pending? Settings | System Updates.

Did someone download onto your device another Camera application? Make sure you are launching the LG one.

How about this: When you are inside the camera app, press Mode. Press Auto. Did that help?

Let me know.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Updates are done, so it's okay.  Just thought maybe someone else had the same thing and figured it out.  Nothing major, so I'll live with it.  But thanks for the help & suggestions everyone. 

Customer Service Rep

That is indeed strange that this feature continues to show up like this with all settings turned off, darly. Let’s keep working on this. When specifically did this first start happening? Can you walk us through the steps you took in attempt to disable this feature?


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If my response answered your question please click the 'Correct Answer' button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!

Enthusiast - Level 3

Okay, so I did have an update and made sure the phone was off also for a bit of time.  It got rid of it other than on What's App (which I can minimize it) and Message + is okay now.  So, I'll take it with minimizing as opposed to it being on all apps. 

Thanks much.