Looking for a small android phone
Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm looking for a small android phone for my wife... Basically, she wants the iPhone SE size but in an android.  I can find plenty of GSM unlocked phones that would be perfect (Sony XZ1 & X Compact, Galaxy A3, etc), but obviously they don't work on Verizon.

Are there any real options out there?

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5 Replies

Instead of looking at the screen size, perhaps you should take in consideration the physical size of the device. The physical size of iPhone SE might not be much different from the current phone offerings. My Pixel has a bigger screen than the Moto X 2013, but they aren't physically much larger than each other.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have been looking at physical sizesโ€ฆ

The iPhone SE is 2.3x4.9x0.3

Sony Z1 Compact is 2.6x5.0x.4

Sony X Compact 2.5x5.0x.04

Samsung A3 2.6x5.3x0.3

The Pixel is considerably larger at 2.8x5.7x0.3. I know it doesnโ€™t seem like much, but for whatever reason the ยผโ€ of width and ยพโ€ length is huge to my wife. The smaller phones will fit in her back pocket, her small clutch, etc. The larger screen phones, not so much.


Yeah, I know what you mean.  My mother has and iPhone 5S and was admiring the android functions.  She is on ATT on my sisters account, so we have the option of an older phone, the Samsung galaxy Alpha.   But for the most part, new phones are getting bigger and bigger.

Master - Level 2

I don't know if you can bring a prepaid phone, and use it non-prepaid / contract.

I thought you could. I seem to recall a FAQ on this.

iPhone SE is 124.46 x 58.42 x 7.62mm

A Moto E4? 144.5 x 72 x 9.3mm

An LG Optimus Zone 3? 131.8 x 66.5 x 8.9 mm or

HTC Desire 526? 140 x 70 x 9.9 mm


I'll be honest, I never liked or wanted an iPhone. However, as my patience with Google is wearing thin, as are my pockets (literally; my Pixel XL is wearing a hole in my khakis) I'm actually considering an SE. I'm getting tired of having to put a large case around a huge phone just to not feel like I'm going to lose a grand if I drop it on the floor. The only reason I went with the XL to begin with is the battery. But I think now an SE would be fine. I like the smaller size and although the SE is getting close to retirement, the A9 with iOS10 will hang on longer than the Z1 Compact.

Frankly, manufacturers NEED to return to the 4" form factor, and Verizon NEEDS to help them sell. For corporate use, having to hang onto a second phone is just too cumbersome when they're all so large.