Lost my insured HTC Rezound; Will I get another Rezound or will I get a different phone altogether?
Enthusiast - Level 1

So I recently lost my HTC Rezound. It does have insurance on it, which means I will only need to pay the $99 to replace it. A few people have told me that I would receive a new phone, not a Rezound since it is no longer being made.

If I will receive a whole new phone, what is the phone or choices I will have?

I am not an authorized person on the account,and the person who would be calling is not going to wait and let me decide what to do; once he's on the phone that's it. Also, if all of the choices are phones I do not want, it would be pointless to be on the phone with them. I want to be able to decide if I should replace it through Verizon's insurance company or just find one somewhere else, without wasting anyone's time.

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6 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

Almost 100% chance the

Certified Like-New Replacement

will be the same.

And that may be a good thing.

I have one (14 months)  ..and after I ironed out the warts and put in an extended battery..still compares favorably with $200 on contract devices.

YOU will not get a "new" anything device..no matter what.


BTW..They were selling new REZOUNDs in some VZW  retail stores up to 5 months ago,here in North Jersey.

Champion - Level 3

This is not necessarily true with insurance replacements.  If it is a warranty replacement then, yes, you will receive a CLNR but, with insurance replacements they can (if not always) be new devices.  I just replaced my wife's phone through an insurance claim and they sent a brand new device, in box, with battery, SIM, SD, and charger. 

To the OP, it all depends on what they have in stock.  If they have Rezounds, that is what you will get, if they no longer have them, they will offer you a comparable device (let me know how this turns out, I dropped my Rezound and will be doing a claim as soon as I have the money for the deductible).

Customer Service Rep

Hi whisperedvoice11,

I'm sorry to see that your phone is lost. I understand your concerns regarding the replacement options available to you. I recommend contacting Asurion as they are the only ones that can positively answer your particular question. You reach Asurion at 888-881-2622 or on Twiter @AsurionCares at your convenience.

Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/VZWSupport


Curious to know if you phone was replaced with a Rezound or something else.  My rezound is not working, but I was not very happy with it to begin with.  Trying to decide if I should turn it in as an insurance claim, or just try to purchase a new phone outright.

Champion - Level 3

I replaced my Rezound not too long after my last post here and got a CLNR replacement.  I haven't had any major issues with it, the only thing that seems a little weird is the vibrator motor feels like its out of balance or something.  Overall, very happy with the replacement.  Also, because it was an insurance replacement as opposed to warranty, it came with a new battery, back cover, and charger.


Assurion has replaced my HTC Rezound with a refurbished one.  Their service is really good (got the replacement phone 18 hours after I put the claim in - truly amazing how fast it got here) but these rebuilt phones are total crap. It is as if they don't listen to the problem from the original owner and then not fix that actual problem.  They probably go through a set repair procedure and standard set of tests, but between my son and I, they had to replace the phones they sent us a second time.

The worst part is, I got on the phone with some rep that clearly was not from the US and was told they would not fix the broken phone they just sent me!!!  It was unbelievable. I hung up, called back, got the same run around from another rep (the phone would not place or receive calls) but did get to a supervisor that agreed that they would replace the phone with another one.  She promised we would get a new Rezound, but they did send another refurb unit.  Fortunately, that one worked.

On that note, in terms of will they replace with a Rezound, as of 10/25/2013 yes they will.  You can see the replacement when you put the claim in on-line or they will tell you if they call.

On that note: Assurion, great service, crap actual refurbished phones.  Since this phone is older, you can get them on eBay for about $120 (new old stock) or refurbs for around $90.  It is probably a better deal at this point to stop paying Assurion and use that money to buy an eBay phone.
