Mismatched Phone Data Usage and My Verizon data usage
Enthusiast - Level 1

So My Verizon and my Data usage on my Galaxy S10+ show that I have exceeded my measly 4GB plan (which I've had for years and don't ever recall exceeding). When I go into Mobile Data usage at the top the chart shows my heaviest usage is 0.30GB, the next 9 heaviest usages and that top one add up to less that 0.75GB's for the month!

I have very few apps on my phone, and the data usage recorded on the phone adds up to another 0.6 GB's.

Most days I'm hooked up to my own home wireless network or my work wireless network, HOW can I be using 4+GB's when my phone only indicates less than 1.5GB's?

Yes phone is protected by Verizon's Security package, and I only get apps via the Google Store 

Data Saver is on, Mobile Data is off And my data usage shows I've used 6.84GB's of Wi-Fi data usage.

2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hi Dgoebel57,


We always want your data charges to be accurate. We can certainly understand your concerns with our data totals not matching your device data totals. We want to help. When you dial #DATA from your cellphone, does the data total match your phone or My Verizon? Does your device display data totals in monthly cycles (1st-31st) vs when your Verizon Wireless Bill Cycle Date starts calculating data? 





Enthusiast - Level 1

I have already checked all that, and no I still have no answer on why only one of my phones (in the family) shows markedly higher data usage than all the data usage breakouts depict. Fortunately now that the CV 15GB's have been added it's a moot point for now.