Motorola Droid doesn't copy and paste from email?!

    Is it really true the Motorola Droid will not copy and paste from an email? My business sends me emails with information that I need to enter in the NOTE section of my phone CONTACTS and obviously a copy and paste option is the way to do that. I use three different email accounts on my Droid two of which are Outlook Webmail. Tell me there is a way or why would I have a smart phone if it can't perform the most basic computer functions? I've been online with other forums and the consensus is that the Motorola Droid doesn't. My friend has an HTC smart phone that copies and pastes from emails. Thanks for any help and I have tried holding down the SHIFT key and that does not allow me to copy precisely what I need.

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The only way to do this is to download K9 mail from the market (free). To copy paste in email you need you forward the mail, don’t send and then you can copy text. I know, it’s a kludge but that is where you are, and one of many reasons Android is not fit or the enterprise. It’s a work in progress. Sorry