My Galaxy S5 of almost 2 years is not receiving all texts sent to me.

This is very very strange. I used to have an iPhone 4s years ago that I disabled iMessage on and everything else. My Galaxy S5 now is missing random text messages from certain numbers. I can see messages on the online message box in a web page but they do not show up on my phone. This seems to be an issue that many people are experiencing and I'm worried that this will cause serious problems in terms of past social interaction as well as future issues. I'm due to get a new phone later this week but now I am panicking that it is the Verizon service linked with my number. I spoke with a representative who "re synced" my message app (I use the yellow preset messages app and will not and have never used the Verizon message plus app.) but this did nothing it seems.

Some one please help me as I'm panicking that I may miss an important text from a loved one or co worker that could really really screw up my life.

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2 Replies
Verizon Employee

I would be just as concerned with missing texts from family and friends, SUEGABESQ. Here to help out. Are you noticing that the missing texts are going to an Apple product that you may still have at home? If you test using Verizon Messages temporarily, does the same occur?


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Champion - Level 3

The verizon rep is onto something. Try the verizon + messaging app and see if that helps. I use the stock samsung app and it's more inreliable, but it links to my gear s2 so...kind of out weighs the bad, I think. I'd rather use verizon + app, and I've used both.