Need New Phone - Do I select Android or iPhone?

Hi, new to the forum.  Need to replace my LG4.  Husband recommends an iPhone8. Trying to decide whether to stick with android or try apple.  Most of the better deals on androids require a new line, etc.  I'm not a heavy user.  Mostly web surf, use some apps, and sometimes listen to music.  Any suggestions on a decent/affordable replacement phone?

5 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Because you are asking for opinions, here is mine-


If you prefer to be able to customize your phone in detail, Android.

If you prefer better security and privacy, but less customization, Apple.


I've had both and have been with Apple for almost four years. I don't ever see

myself going back to Android/Google. I avoid anything Google as much

as possible. Again, just my opinion.


A bit different opinion, just mine of course.  In business, I've been using Windows-based PC's for ages, and still do.  My wife is an Apple fanboy (fangirl?), and probably even has an Apple tatoo somewhere that I've not seen (hahaha).

If you're not an Apple user in other spaces, and you don't need to have an everything-Apple life (such as tablets, cloud, watches, smart speakers, photo apps, smart TV, etc.), my recommendation would be for an Android based unit.  Apple is still a closed environment, no open source for development by others, so the variety of things that you can tie your Android to and communicate with is much broader, as well as a bit more familiar to you for sure.  The current Windows 10 environment is quite secure with the built-in security program, and works well with Android-based apps.  As for Google, the current generation of Windows browsers (Edge) have just gone to a Chromium-based system, which also works well with Androids, of course, and seamlessly integrates.  Again, I'm a Google/Android fan for those reasons and many more.  Apple creates its own UI and language, and is unique in its user experience.  If that's what you're used to, its fine.  If not, you should look into the current line of great Android-based products.

Hope this helps....

Specialist - Level 1

iPhone sales are far less frequent and require a new line for the best deals too.

Customer Service Rep

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Enthusiast - Level 3

I've used both, Apple at work and personal phone is Android, for > 10 years.

As another said, Apple phones are very secure and predictable in behavior as the guts are closed to outside developers and the app approval is fairly strict, so software and hardware are well coordinated.   For all general usage as phone: voice, apps, text, web store etc., the experience is predictable and 'bug' free.  However, you pay for many things you get free in the chaotic world of Android phones.

Android OTAH, you can get Apple like functionality for 10% of Apple's cost, and no recurring charges, as if you know how to get around it, you can, and the key is the 'know'.  So generally, if you are tech savvy, Android is a bang for buck.   As for the bugs and chaos, you need to customize and tweak whatever version of Android you get, that differs with each manufacturer, to insure it works as intended.  I set up Android and iPhone look as similar as possible in layout, so I can switch between each easily.

So, it really comes down to how much you will spend monthly, plus the cost of the phone, and if you can stomach Android glitching now and then. If you already use Android, then you know what to expect, then its cheaper to stay Android and find the lowest cost plan.  If you just want a phone to do this and that, and never have to tweak it, Apple is better, but at a price.