No incoming calls on extended network
Enthusiast - Level 2

I have called tech support numerous times. I have opened two tickets (unresolved). Nobody has the slightest clue, nor will they acknowledge there is any problem. The problem is very simple. I do not receive incoming calls while on extended network. Outgoing calls are fine, text messages seem to be okay. I just cannot receive calls. No it is not a weak signal issue as Verizon is adamant about. Incoming calls just go straight to voicemail. I have an app called Signal Check Pro (Android). Very informative app for telling you what band LTE you are on, cell site info, what carrier, etc. The area I have the most difficulty with this issue is Brady TX and surrounding areas. Served by Five Star Wireless. The other area being anywhere we roam on US Cellular. Jacksonville IL, and also parts of Central Washington State. Outgoing calls are fine, texts are fine but Verizon will not acknowledge there is any problem. It is not my device. It does not need a soft reset. Been there done that to no avail. I have checked all settings, roaming on, even turned off advanced calling, etc, etc. I have two phones and I call each phone on the other device. Neither will receive a call from the other device while in these extended areas (Galaxy 8 and Galaxy 9). If anyone has ever had his issue, please feel free to comment. If anyone has any ideas how to correct this issue please help. Thank you.

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6 Replies
Customer Service Rep
PATRICKAL04, I know it's important for you to be able to receive calls everywhere you go. I am sorry that you continue to have these issues. When did the problems start? When you are on an Extended Network, this means that you are on another companies towers, and we do not have control over them. How is your service when you are on the Verizon network? What zip codes are you having trouble in? 


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If my response answered your question please click the 'Correct Answer' button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have given the location (s) of the occurrences in my post. Please refer to the coverage tool. The ticket number is [removed] . I got a corporate redundant answer in the form of video read from a script. It was absolutely ridiculous and offered no help whatsoever. I didn't expect to get any help from this issue. Bottom line, if the other 3 carriers can receive calls while roaming, then so should Verizon. I understand it is not our network. Get in contact with the roaming partner. Send a tech to the locations in question with 2 devices and you will see what I'm talking about.

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Customer Service Rep

PATRICKAL04, we want to ensure that you are getting the answers that you're looking for once and for all. We see that you've spent quite a lot of time to address this concern - including a service ticket with our network engineers. At this time, we've sent you a Private Message so we may continue to work together. Please check your inbox at your earliest convenience.  



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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Am I going to get a response or will I be ignored and blown off again? Do I have to upload a video of proof to get Verizon to acknowledge my legitimate service complaint? Please tell what I need to do to get this issue resolved not only for me, but for all of us.


extended is for wi-fi, not the network.

my son's in an area with"no" signal but calls, email, messages thru the extended wi-fi.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Not referring to Wifi. This is in regards to roaming while not connected to Wifi