Phone not working properly


I  when I try to like call voicemail  or try to make a call the screen goes black and I have to hit the center button at bottom  to remove it and lock screen I think  pops up then  clear that to get  to the proper screen and have to turn on the sound icon to hear sound etc  very irritating.  now getting weird things like found my phone  with airplane mode on and I did not turn it on to  when trying to listen to messages left on voicemail the phone turns off! tried factory resetting and  that did not fix it. now this shutting off while trying to listen to a message on voicemail.   also calls or messages  come in and not even a chirp  comes out of the phone!  the touch or lockup  occurs periodically also that has not gone away either. so irritating can not trust the phone anymore had important messages  and could not listne to them because phone shuts off. so seems ot me getting worse and worse ....

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7 Replies
Master - Level 1

What type of phone do you have? Has it gotten an update lately? Also do you have a case on your phone?

I have heard that people with Iphones are having this problem and some with android that have the oreo update having the same issues 

Customer Service Rep

EAGLEBEAKERGEM, I am sorry to hear you are having issues with your device. Let's dig deeper to see what's going on. kathy65793, asked some really good questions we would need to know the answers to get to the bottom of this. My goal is to get to the bottom of this one issue at a time? What make and model device are you using? What are you removing when you hit the center button?  Justin_VZW
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SO frustrated. it is a Samsung Galaxy core prime ...So many things even setting factory reset  it is still the same. I get  from it shutting off and turning  itself back on then  repeats. SO I unplug it and let it discharge to  make it shut down. I also get when trying o make calls  screen goes Black.  it is not apps  as I  reset to factory settings still does it. at times it goes berzerk  screens go on and off like when in making a text message  etc  it goes berzerk. shuts off  and repeats the on  then shuts off loop. SO I unplug it  letting it discharge til it stays off...Months and months of this since posting above. so I am very close to  getting a trac fone with prepaid minutes each month, saving me even more $ as I only need  it to call doctors or they call me. I do not  use it much for anything else  excpet maybe text message  with Family. SO I am so close ot asking service be shut down  after geting a tracfone and trasnferring my Phone # over ot it. ..I am disabled seniro by some standards  and thus limited income so a trac fone would save me even more money  for myself. so That is what i ma thinking of doing now


well, no matter now  it was a samsung galaxy core prime and   I have tolerated it for months now. but last night it died . Chatted with someone via messenger and since i can not afford to buy  a new one  etc and i told him Can to really afford upgrading which he recommened. so I am   now with a dead phone.  since the last contact  many months ago now the extended warrenty  charge  of $3  per month added ot bill   now means nothing now that the phone is dead. I  am most likely going to have either a Have to notify ssi, state  , insurance and  doctors etc to call to my brothers # in order to contact me or I pitch up my pennies and get a cheapy tracfone with some minutes  . those 2 are my only options now left to me. wish  All a merry Christmas and Thansk to all ..

Master - Level 1


well, no matter now it was a samsung galaxy core prime and I have tolerated it for months now. but last night it died . Chatted with someone via messenger and since i can not afford to buy a new one etc and i told him Can to really afford upgrading which he recommened. so I am now with a dead phone. since the last contact many months ago now the extended warrenty charge of $3 per month added ot bill now means nothing now that the phone is dead. I am most likely going to have either a Have to notify ssi, state , insurance and doctors etc to call to my brothers # in order to contact me or I pitch up my pennies and get a cheapy tracfone with some minutes . those 2 are my only options now left to me. wish All a merry Christmas and Thansk to all ..

So this is Verizon's fault how? Seems you had 5 months to save towards another device. The core prime is a cheapo phone that is older than dirt. It was released 4 years ago. Here's is a similar Samsung phone that is also dirt cheap Samsung Galaxy J3 V Colors. Reviews, & Price | Verizon Wireless $7 a month if you can't afford to pay $168 upfront

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Or borrow an old phone from friends or family until you can afford a replacement phone.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Customer Service Rep

We understand your concern to have a working device, GEORGE MCCONNELL. We have sent you a Private Message to see what options we have for you. Let us know if you received it.


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