Question about the HTC U11

Okay so I wanted to go up to the HTC U11 but i've heard about issues with the SIM card and Hd audio not being activated so you cant use calling at all. SO i was curious since i have an HTC 10, would I be able to use that SIM card in it's place, or does it not have HD audio in it? Cause i've seen a lot of mixed issues with the verizon network and the U11. Or would I have to get an entirely new SIM card?

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4 Replies

Do NOT get the HTC U11 and attempt to use it on Verizon. You will extremely regret it. I tried to return the phone 2 days after I received it and due to a tiny hairline crack on the incredibly fragile glass back of the phone, HTC would not accept it despite all of my issues with cellular. I even offered to pay for the back glass. the cellular issue. My cell service was TERRIBLE on Verizon with the U11. I did speedtests with a Pixel on Verizon all over Denver and was getting 20-30Mbps less on the U11 than the Pixel on average. Same carrier, same location, older device. Certain bands of LTE are not enabled for the U11 for Verizon, and it's crippling.

And now here's the huge U11 worked for 30 days with an HD Audio SIM I was using in my Pixel. Then it COMPLETELY stopped working - it is completely unable to obtain a signal. I've been through Verizon and HTC, done every troubleshooting step including hard data wiping. HTC told me a repair would take more than 4 weeks, and advised against it. LOL! I'm stuck with a $700 brick. Literally no way to repair the glass or antenna through a third party. It's a [Removed] brick.

vzw-admin PLEASE get Verizon to put out a PSA about this phone, so that people do not buy it and end up in a predicament like mine. It's completely unacceptable for HTC to leave out the details of the incompatibility with the Verizon network. I am not the only one having this problem, I can assure you.

profanity removed as required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Serviceโ€‹

Message edited by Verizon Moderator

Customer Service Rep

This is never the experience that we want you to have with any devices on our network, Bpstarke. Did you have the chance to go through any troubleshooting on the device to try to get it back up and running? Have you tried to replace the SIM Card? You can get one mailed to you or pick one up for free from any Verizon Wireless corporate location. Do you happen to know if you have insurance on the line to get the device replaced?


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Enthusiast - Level 3

This is NOT HTC's issue this is the fault of VERIZON! They crippled the device since it is not purchased from Verizon. Verizon wants you buying Verizon Samsung phones. Verizon blocked bands 2 and 4 from the U11. Get your facts straight before dogging a great company. Verizon can EASILY fix this issue but they refuse to.


FIX: Verizon needs to add HDvoice manually in the billing system. new code .. CDMA list devices.. Tech Support can do this and update your SIM through the network.  When you call (and get tech support (TS) on the phone) they will initially deflect you HTC..will not help the issue is Verizon software.  As soon as TS hears you have an unlocked phone hey are very resistant... you must persist and ask them to look deeper (into the HDvoice issue)   had alll the issues with my U11 (SIM etc)detailed n the forums...  today my U11 works as expected