SMS Custom Notifications keep resetting on A50

I set custom notifications on my Verizon A50 for 5 people using the default samsung messager app and every morning when I power up they are all set back to the the default messaging sound. Any Ideas why this is happening?

The A50 has the option to set custom notifications. You have to be in the text message from the person and go to the upper right 3 dots and use the slider for custom notifications then pick the sound you want. Mine are staying there for about 6 hours then they go back to the default sound.

12 Replies
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Community Leader

Are the notification tones you are selecting saved into the notification folder on the phone's internal memory space? 

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


Yes they are on the phone not on the SD card in the proper folders. Like I said they work for a coiple of hours then go back to the default sound. Cleared cache and data in app removed and synced my contacts in Google only do not have any contacts in phone to make sure I did not have any duplicates. Shut off the auto optimaztion and automatic daily reboot. I also had issues with the camera app. I could not get into the settiings. When I when to settings it would pop up and dissapear within 2-3 seconds. I had to clear cache and data in the app then reboot phone to get it to work. I think there is a software bug / issue as I have read  many posts with the same issue.

Customer Service Rep


I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your notification sounds. I want to do everything I can to help. When did this issue begin? Has there been a recent software update or new app download by chance?




Brand new phone 1 week old, no new software added all factory stuff.  It happened since day 2. I also had a problem with the camera app when I went to setup the camera the setup menu popped up for about 3 seconds then went back to the camera screen. I cleared the cache and data for the app rebooted and now I can get into the camera settings. I tried the same process with the messager app with no luck. I also deleted all of the contacts on the phone and google and reinstalled them just to make sure there were no issues or duplicate contacts in different groups and still no luck. The custom notifcation works for a couple of hours then goes back to the default notification sound.


Customer Service Rep

I appreciate the helpful information, catblacktaylor. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. I understand this feature is essential for you. To clarify, have you try to duplicate this issue in Safe Mode? Keep me updated on your progress.




I will try this I have done a factory reset twice and still no luck after I do a start up in safe mode I will report back



 Ok I started the phone in safe mode as you asked and the same problem happened. I did find sort of a work around to the problem. If I keep a text message from any of my contacts with 1 text in the conversation the custom notification does not reset but if I delete the conversation the sound resets again. There definitely is a software issue going on and I do not know if I can accept that.  If I can't get this resolved soon I am going to look into returning the phone.

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Community Leader

Have you been deleting the text message conversations all this time for those contacts? 

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


At first I deleted the conversation from person A, and when I received a text message from person A two hours later their custom notification sound went back to default text message sound. I did a reset twice started the phone in safe mode with no change. This happened for any text message I received from the over 10 people I set custom notification sounds for. The sounds are all on the device as the is no way to access the sounds off a SD card , so that elimanates any issue there. So I tried not deleting any text conversation and instead I star 1 text in the conversation and delete the rest, and when I do this the custom notification remains and does not go back to the default sound. I do not have to tell you how inconvenient this is as I now have over 20 conversations saved with 1 stared text message in them. At least it is a work around until someone can come up with a software fix.

Community Leader
Community Leader

The software is working as designed. When you deleted the entire text message conversation, it also deletes any custom notification sounds associated with that text conversation and contact.

The text message conversations will keep the custom notifications as long as you don't completely delete the messages from each contact. 

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


So you are saying if I want to keep the custom notitications for the over 20 contacts that text me I have to keep all their conversations and the text message stream from all of them. That makes no sense and why would I want to keep all that data on my phone and not free up that storage. Me and my family have had almost every Galaxy phone from the first S series and every Note model over the years and my husband has a Note 9 and my daughter has a S10 all with the same Android Version 9 with 1.0 One UI and never did we have to do that on any other device. So it seems like only THIS device has to do this. That does not make sense from a design and developer standpoint since the OS is not designed for each specific phone model, it is designed for all the models. The phone is the device that sets apart any features or enhancements not the OS. I still say there ia a software compatibility issue with the A50

Customer Service Rep

Your satisfaction is important to us and we want only the best for you. When you navigate to the Contact app and selecting Edit are you only able to adjust the RIngtone and not the Notifications for each user? Have you considered testing the Verizon Messages application available in the Play Store that may offer a more positive experience?  YaleK_VZW