Enthusiast - Level 1

For the last several months, data has been draining out of my wife's phone while she sleeps.  A lot of data.  Yes, I checked all the settings.

Data Booster: OFF

Smart Network Switch: OFF

Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep: ALWAYS ON

Auto-update apps: OFF

Data Saver: ON

And despite this, this is what the data usage on my wife's phone looks like since the start of this billing cycle on the 4/17/2017.

4/17/2017: 10:17pm to 4:17am 0.58004 GB

4/18/2017: 7:47pm to 1:47am 0.43712 GB

4/20/2017: 9:11pm to 3:11am 0.75955 GB

4/22/2017 3:10am to 9:10am 1.39651 GB

It burned through 3.2 GB in a few nights!!!  My phone has no such issues, however.  Our settings are identical, though she has a Galaxy S6 and I have the S7.

I spoke with the Verizon representative and all they can offer is

(1) turn off your Data usage every time you enter your house and turn it back on every time you leave your house because the phone doesn't care what your settings are, it'll do whatever it wants

(2) every carrier does this, so deal with it

Well, if this continues much longer, I'm going to drop Verizon like a bad habit and see if it's true that "every carrier" drains your data whenever it feels like it and if they offer no recourse like Verizon.

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6 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We would like to get this mystery solved. Have you compared the data use registered in your device with those time frames? They may not coincide exactly, but that may match up correctly.


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you might have auto updates for apps off but wi-fi always on is killing you.

7 you're probably getting email, messages, facebppk, twitter feeds that you're forgetting about.


i forgot to turn off wi-fi after the 2.2g nougat update on my note5 about 9p.

overnight with doze, i'll use 10%, leaving wi-fi on after nougat update used 20% with the same parameters 'til the next morning.

quickly back to the network has me using 10% overnight.

i don't use that much data & only go on wi-fi for what i think will be a huge update(which is how nougat was advertised on a few websites).

Community Leader
Community Leader

It honestly doesn't that much to turn off the cellular data when you are home. I personally turn it off on my phones every day.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Specialist - Level 1

If your phone is using mobile data despite Wi-Fi being on, then there's something on your device causing the problem, not something on Verizon's end.

If you go to Settings > Data Usage > Restrict networks, is there anything turned on there?

If you go to Mobile data usage, are you able to identify which apps/services are using the data at night?

Under Data Saver > Allow unrestricted data usage, are any apps enabled?

Enthusiast - Level 1

Exactly the same with our data account!

So angry!