Skype For Verizon App - Android.

Hi There,

I have been searching for this answer from the net to no avail including searching here and skypes forums.

Can anyone tell me now that skype for Verizon has been discontinued on the 24th April is everyone now unable to sign in to this app?

I have tried and continue to get the error message 'Couldn't connect to Skype' 

Will be a shame if this is the case as the normal skype app for android is nigh on impossible to make a call on.

Thanks in advance.

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Have you tried to download the regular Skype app?

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Hi Ann,

I do have the regular skype installed on my cell but the app itself is nigh on useless for making calls to landlines overseas (I have a skype subscription), this with both a full wi-fi connection and strong 3g

The Verizon skype was very good in this instance and I hardly had any issues with connections so it would be a pain if we were no longer able to login to the verizon version.

I know the verizon skype app was discontinued on 24th April but was wondering if this also meant you would not be able to login anymore in addition.



Using my Galaxy S3, I continue to trade Skype messages and have conducted one video conference, I believe on April 24. Perhaps I should try again.


I don't understand the loss, if there was one.  There is a full page of Skype for Android applications here,

skype for android - Android Apps on Google Play

and another here,

Download Skype for Mobile - Windows Phone, Android, iPhone & Blackberry

What's the commotion about?


I find the quality of service provided by these apps to be just as good as the regular service, for international as well as domestic service. And as a Premium Skype customer, I can conduct multi-person videoconferences on my phone.  The one place the Skype for Android app falls down is handling contacts data and other such niceties.

NOTE:  Verizon censors the transmission of my cellphone number when I engage in Skype texting via my Mac, which always confuses customers. This forces me to use my cellphone for texting, or append in my signature my cellphone number.  As I prefer my Mac for longer texts -- it's easier to type on my Mac keyboard than on my Galaxy keyboard -- I put my phone number in the text message.

(I'm sure Verizon, unremitting in its ambition to wipe out the competition, will eventually find a way to confound this practice, also.  But so far, not yet.)


Hi Mate,

I do have that version as I stated in my message.

It is pretty much useless for calling overseas numbers as there are frequent drops on both a full strength wi-fi and 3G,

I haven't tried a skype to skype call as all the contacts I use for this app are overseas landlines, I have a skype subscription that allows me to do this.

The Verizon Skype app was perfect for calling overseas landline numbers all be it on 3G only and it rarely dropped coverage.


Again, all want to find out is if anyone past 24th April has been able to sign into the verizon skype mobile app.



Has anyone figured out how to get the skype mobile working yet? The skype mobile app came preloaded on my phone weather i wanted it on there or not so i expect the app to to work when and if i decide to use it especially since it was a selling point the sales guy used to get me to buy the phone as it was only for verizon customers yada yada yada

I do not have the storage on my phone to install another skype onto my less than 2 year old phone.

Is there a way to delete the preloaded app then i would not complain about adding another


The reason the app no longer works is because the service was ceased.  The app won't connect to Verizon's server because it no longer exists.  If the app was preloaded, the best you can do is disabled it.  It no longer comes on phones on later versions of Android OS such as JB and through KK and LP.


So they intentionally sold me a phone with this preloaded feature that they used as a selling point then discontinued it?

And to the other guy, I actually dont have the space on my phone, the app requires google play services on top of just google play and its huge.

Correct me if im wrong but if you bought a car with a radio you couldnt remove and was one of the main reasons you bought your car and the radio stopped working because the dealership just discontinued that model shortly after they sold it to you  would you want to put a second radio in your car taking up even more space on your dash....i think not....


What phone do you have again?  Last phone I had was a Razr Maxx on Jelly Bean and even it got an update that actually removed the Vzw version of Skype.  I was sold an LG G2 with VU Talk and then I got an update that removed it.  It was a nice feature to have, being able to talk and draw on the screen like a tablet while speaking to another VU Talk user and sharing screens.  I also had other nice features in Android like native call blocking that was removed after an OS update.   So, I mean, things change and developers stop supporting apps.  Look at Samsung's ChatOn service.  It's defunct now, but still on people's phones, unless it can be removed.


My phone is the Casio Commando 3g and have had the phone about a year and a half maybe less and i love it, if they did not have a contract to keep the apps updated and running then i should be able to delete it, i bought this phone for the features it had including the skype mobile,nfl apps vz services and more and if they can not keep these apps running maybe they should reimburse the money i paid or give me another phone of equal value.


I just spoke with tech support and they said the skype mobile app has not been discontinued and that it just needs to be updated, however since its not in the google store she couldn't tell me how to do it.....


Perhaps you can update it via settings within the app.


the skype app is 18 mb's. you don't have 18 mb's available?