So uhh....
Enthusiast - Level 2

Is there a reason as to why i am paying $90 a month for not even 100kb/s download speed on my mobile hotspot?

So in the last month i got a text message telling me my hotspot hit its limit of 15g and that it was going to

limit my speeds to 600kb/s. Well, it's been a month now and my data has reset and yet here i am still sitting

at less then 100kb/s.

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4 Replies

the limitation is mentioned when you sign up for unlimited.......ya see some folks abuse it!!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Limitation or not a monthly data reset should still be fixing my issues but it has not.

I am not going to continue to pay 90 a month for a service that doesn't work.

[removed] , my roomate pays 30 a month for his Verizon DSL and he gets 300kb/s more then i am getting

at the moment.

Profanity removed as required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Serviceโ€‹.

Message edited by Verizon Moderator.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Then use a landline based Internet service instead.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 2

So it seems to be working after waiting a day. Looks like the date that the phone told me it would reset was false. Either that or the data actually resets on the next billing cycle, which honestly they should have reflected that on the phone.

And no I'm not going to waste my time getting another land line when I'm not even staying at my current address for long but thanks for bringing up the option anyway.